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Created May 7, 2016 04:12
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Puppet class to install unbound and use for blocking ad servers.
# puppet module install zleslie-unbound
class dns::caching {
# I'm using extlookup for a very small personal network, could be hiera
$trusted_ipv4 = extlookup('trusted_ipv4')
$trusted_ipv6 = extlookup('trusted_ipv6')
$local_ad_servers = "/etc/unbound/local.d/adservers.conf"
$fetch_ad_servers = "/usr/bin/curl -sS -L --compressed ''"
# Install a cron job to renew the ad server list
cron {
user => "root",
command => "$fetch_ad_servers > $local_adservers && service unbound restart",
weekday => "1",
hour => "23",
minute => "13";
# Install it anyways
exec {
command => "$fetch_ad_servers > $local_ad_servers",
creates => "$local_ad_servers",
notify => Service['unbound'];
# Install and configure unbound with the aforementioned module
class {
access => flatten(["::1", "",$trusted_ipv4,$trusted_ipv6]),
extended_statistics => 'yes',
interface => ["::0", ""],
num_threads => inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::processorcount').to_i / 2 %>"),
statistics_interval => 600,
custom_server_conf => "include: \"$local_ad_servers\"";
User['unbound'] -> Class['unbound']
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