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Last active August 31, 2024 18:16
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Ubuntu 16.04 + Terminator + Oh My ZSH with Agnoster Theme

Install Terminator (shell)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminator
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install terminator

Terminator should be setup as default now. Restart your terminal (shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+T").

Install ZSH

sudo apt-get install zsh

Restart your terminal. Choose option 2 for Z Shell configuration.
Don't forget to migrate your previous configurations (RVM, Rbenv...) from .bashrc to .zshrc

Install Oh My ZSH

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Setup missing fonts (powerline)

Easy way

If your are using Ubuntu >= 16.04 you can simply run: sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline

Alternative way

Install powerline font

mkdir ~/.fonts/
mv PowerlineSymbols.otf ~/.fonts/
mkdir -p .config/fontconfig/conf.d #if directory doesn't exists

Clean fonts cache

fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts/

Move config file

mv 10-powerline-symbols.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/

Configure ZSH

vim ~/.zshrc


Change [ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell"] to [ZSH_THEME="agnoster"]


Change theme colors to solarize

dconf is required if you don't already have it.

sudo apt-get install dconf-cli
git clone ~/.solarized
cd ~/.solarized
  • I recommend you option 1 (dark theme) which is just great.
  • Choose option 1 to download seebi' dircolors-solarized

After installation, open .zshrc and add the line:

eval `dircolors ~/.dir_colors/dircolors`

To activate dark solarize theme in Terminator just right click on the terminal,

Preferences>Profiles>Colors>Foreground and Background>Built-in schemes: Solarized dark Preferences>Profiles>Colors>Palette>Built-in schemes: Solarized

Restart Terminator and you're done!

Ruby developer (optional)


If you are Ruby developer you can use these plugins by replacing plugins in .zshrc

plugins=(git rails ruby capistrano bundler heroku rake rvm autojump command-not-found python pip github gnu-utils history-substring-search zsh-syntax-highlighting)

Ruby version prompt

(Add one of the line below into your .zshrc file)

RVM users
RPROMPT="\$(~/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt s i v g)%{$fg[yellow]%}[%*]"
Rbenv users
RPROMPT='%{$fg[yellow]%}$(rbenv version-name)%{$reset_color%}%'

That's it!

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Very nice walkthrough, very helpfull. love my new prompt :)

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Thanks. Very usefull.

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Thank you, no complications in the process, just brilliant!

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ZSH_THEME="bureau" is fairly good.

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hardianlawi commented Jan 21, 2018


When I run the command htop, some of the numbers are invisible because of the background color.

Here is how it looks if I used solarized light


Is there any workaround for the solarized dark? I found this altercation/solarized#220, but couldn't find anything related to ubuntu

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It's a color conflict between htop and solarized.
My advice is to change colors in htop.

  1. htop
  2. F2 Setup
  3. Colors Broken Gray
  4. F10 Done


Hope it will help ;)

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renshuki commented Jan 24, 2018

Hey all,
If you have a question please drop a comment on my website instead. There is no notifications system implemented in Gist :/

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after you install zsh , youre missing a step

chsh -s $(which zsh)

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Thanks for the help!

It would be a bit better if you add a command to make ~/.fonts
people can just copy paste then

Install powerline font

mkdir ~/.fonts/
mv PowerlineSymbols.otf ~/.fonts/
mkdir -p .config/fontconfig/conf.d #if directory doesn't exists

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renshuki commented Aug 7, 2018

@aneesh-joshi thanks updated =)

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Thank you! It's indeed helpful!

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Thank you!

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mohantysabyasachi27 commented Aug 31, 2018

Hi It didn't work for me.
Am using Pop Os 18.04
Agnoster theme got applied but the powerline font is not reflecting.
screenshot from 2018-08-31 02-51-47
Can you help me to setup the agnoster theme?

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biiic commented Sep 3, 2018

@mohantysabyasachi27: Change your terminal font to "Source Code Pro for Powerline Regular". Then it should work :)

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I am running Ubuntu inside Windows 10 and this doesn't work for me.

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Great. Thank you so much. I use agnoster in Mac OS with iterm and now use in Ubuntu.

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For vscode users, add the following to the settings.json

"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Source Code Pro for Powerline",

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This repo worked for me
git clone ~/.solarized
instead of
git clone git:// ~/.solarized

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For powerline fonts installation, I think you could simply run sudo apt install fonts-powerline. It works on Ubuntu 16.04.

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great one... thank you

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renshuki commented Jan 4, 2020

For powerline fonts installation, I think you could simply run sudo apt install fonts-powerline. It works on Ubuntu 16.04.

I tested it and it works indeed. I'll update the gist with it, thanks for this.

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I am not getting proper agnoster theme.

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Thank you!

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Thanks :D

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Hello, Can i use with Titix?

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Thank you :)

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it seems like the solarized repo has changed - use this one now:

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Good point @AbstractFruitFactory 👍
I updated the gist with the new URL, thx 😃

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