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trainable optimizer in higher library Pytorch
class EmptySimpleMetaLstm(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, params, trainable_opt_model, trainable_opt_state, *args, **kwargs):
defaults = {
super().__init__(params, defaults)
class SimpleMetaLstm(DifferentiableOptimizer):
def _update(self, grouped_grads, **kwargs):
prev_lr = self.param_groups[0]['trainable_opt_state']['prev_lr']
eta = self.param_groups[0]['trainable_opt_model']['eta']
# start differentiable & trainable update
zipped = zip(self.param_groups, grouped_grads)
for group_idx, (group, grads) in enumerate(zipped):
for p_idx, (p, g) in enumerate(zip(group['params'], grads)):
if g is None:
# get gradient as "data"
g = g.detach() # gradients of gradients are not used (no hessians)
## very simplified version of meta-lstm meta-learner
input_metalstm = torch.stack([p, g, prev_lr.view(1,1)]).view(1,3) # [p, g, prev_lr] note it's missing loss, normalization etc. see original paper
lr = eta(input_metalstm).view(1)
fg = 1 - lr # learnable forget rate
## update suggested by meta-lstm meta-learner
p_new = fg*p - lr*g
group['params'][p_idx] = p_new
# fake returns
self.param_groups[0]['trainable_opt_state']['prev_lr'] = lr
higher.register_optim(EmptySimpleMetaLstm, SimpleMetaLstm)
def test_parametrized_inner_optimizer():
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from collections import OrderedDict
## training config
#device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
track_higher_grads = True # if True, during unrolled optimization the graph be retained, and the fast weights will bear grad funcs, so as to permit backpropagation through the optimization process. False during test time for efficiency reasons
copy_initial_weights = False # if False then we train the base models initial weights (i.e. the base model's initialization)
episodes = 5
nb_inner_train_steps = 5
## get base model
base_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
('fc', nn.Linear(1,1, bias=False)),
('relu', nn.ReLU())
## parametrization/mdl for the inner optimizer
opt_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
('fc', nn.Linear(3,1, bias=False)), # 3 inputs 1 for parameter, 1 for gradient, 1 for previous lr
('sigmoid', nn.Sigmoid())
## get outer optimizer (not differentiable nor trainable)
outer_opt = optim.Adam([{'params': base_mdl.parameters()},{'params': opt_mdl.parameters()}], lr=0.01)
for episode in range(episodes):
## get fake support & query data (from a single task and 1 data point)
spt_x, spt_y, qry_x, qry_y = torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1)
## get differentiable & trainable (parametrized) inner optimizer
inner_opt = EmptySimpleMetaLstm(base_mdl.parameters(), trainable_opt_model={'eta': opt_mdl}, trainable_opt_state={'prev_lr': 0.9*torch.randn(1)})
with higher.innerloop_ctx(base_mdl, inner_opt, copy_initial_weights=copy_initial_weights, track_higher_grads=track_higher_grads) as (fmodel, diffopt):
for i_inner in range(nb_inner_train_steps): # this current version implements full gradient descent on k_shot examples (which is usually small 5)
# base/child model forward pass
inner_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(spt_x) - spt_y))**2
# inner-opt update
## Evaluate on query set for current task
qry_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(qry_x) - qry_y))**2
qry_loss.backward() # for memory efficient computation
## outer update
print(f'episode = {episode}')
print(f'base_mdl.grad = {base_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')
print(f'opt_mdl.grad = {opt_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Done \a')
output when deep copy is uncommented (parametrized optimizer trains properly):
episode = 0
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[-0.0351]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0085, 0.0000, 0.0204]])
episode = 1
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0311]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[-0.0086, -0.0100, 0.0358]])
episode = 2
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[0., 0., 0.]])
episode = 3
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0066]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[-0.0016, 0.0000, -0.0032]])
episode = 4
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[-0.0311]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0077, 0.0000, 0.0130]])
when deep copy is on (paremeters of inner optimizer are not train, sad!):
episode = 0
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
episode = 1
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
episode = 2
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0069]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
episode = 3
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
episode = 4
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
The deep copy line in higher I am referencing:
self.param_groups = _copy.deepcopy(other.param_groups)
#self.param_groups = other.param_groups
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override version does not work:

class EmptySimpleMetaLstm(Optimizer):

    def __init__(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
        defaults = { 'args':args, 'kwargs':kwargs}
        super().__init__(params, defaults)

class SimpleMetaLstm(DifferentiableOptimizer):

    def _update(self, grouped_grads, **kwargs):
        prev_lr = self.override['trainable_opt_state']['prev_lr']
        simp_meta_lstm = self.override['trainable_opt_model']
        # start differentiable & trainable update
        zipped = zip(self.param_groups, grouped_grads)
        for group_idx, (group, grads) in enumerate(zipped):
            for p_idx, (p, g) in enumerate(zip(group['params'], grads)):
                if g is None:
                # get gradient as "data"
                g = g.detach() # gradients of gradients are not used (no hessians)
                ## very simplified version of meta-lstm meta-learner
                input_metalstm = torch.stack([p, g, prev_lr.view(1,1)]).view(1,3) # [p, g, prev_lr] note it's missing loss, normalization etc. see original paper
                lr = simp_meta_lstm(input_metalstm).view(1)
                fg = 1 - lr # learnable forget rate
                ## update suggested by meta-lstm meta-learner
                p_new = fg*p - lr*g
                group['params'][p_idx] = p_new
        # fake returns
        self.param_groups[0]['trainable_opt_state']['prev_lr'] = lr

higher.register_optim(EmptySimpleMetaLstm, SimpleMetaLstm)


def test_parametrized_inner_optimizer():
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.optim as optim
    from collections import OrderedDict

    ## training config
    #device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    track_higher_grads = True # if True, during unrolled optimization the graph be retained, and the fast weights will bear grad funcs, so as to permit backpropagation through the optimization process. False during test time for efficiency reasons
    copy_initial_weights = False # if False then we train the base models initial weights (i.e. the base model's initialization)
    episodes = 5
    nb_inner_train_steps = 5
    ## get base model
    base_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
        ('fc', nn.Linear(1,1, bias=False)),
        ('relu', nn.ReLU())
    ## parametrization/mdl for the inner optimizer
    opt_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
        ('fc', nn.Linear(3,1, bias=False)), # 3 inputs [p, g, prev_lr] 1 for parameter, 1 for gradient, 1 for previous lr
        ('sigmoid', nn.Sigmoid())
    ## get outer optimizer (not differentiable nor trainable)
    outer_opt = optim.Adam([{'params': base_mdl.parameters()},{'params': opt_mdl.parameters()}], lr=0.01)
    for episode in range(episodes):
        ## get fake support & query data (from a single task and 1 data point)
        spt_x, spt_y, qry_x, qry_y = torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1)
        ## get differentiable & trainable (parametrized) inner optimizer
        override = {'trainable_opt_model': opt_mdl, 'trainable_opt_state': {'prev_lr': 0.9*torch.randn(1)} }
        inner_opt = EmptySimpleMetaLstm(base_mdl.parameters())
        with higher.innerloop_ctx(base_mdl, inner_opt, copy_initial_weights=copy_initial_weights, track_higher_grads=track_higher_grads, override=override) as (fmodel, diffopt):
            for i_inner in range(nb_inner_train_steps): # this current version implements full gradient descent on k_shot examples (which is usually small  5)
                # base/child model forward pass
                inner_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(spt_x) - spt_y))**2
                # inner-opt update
            ## Evaluate on query set for current task
            qry_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(qry_x) - qry_y))**2
            qry_loss.backward() # for memory efficient computation
        ## outer update
        print(f'episode = {episode}')
        print(f'base_mdl.grad = {base_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')
        print(f'opt_mdl.grad = {opt_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')

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the real solution is if I could pass an arbitrary dictionary to a differentiable optimizer and if I could do whatever I wanted with it.

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Perhaps just creating my own field once the diffopt is created is all I need?

so this line:

            diffopt.override = {'trainable_opt_model': opt_mdl, 'trainable_opt_state': {'prev_lr': 0.9*torch.randn(1)} }


def test_parametrized_inner_optimizer():
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.optim as optim
    from collections import OrderedDict

    ## training config
    #device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    track_higher_grads = True # if True, during unrolled optimization the graph be retained, and the fast weights will bear grad funcs, so as to permit backpropagation through the optimization process. False during test time for efficiency reasons
    copy_initial_weights = False # if False then we train the base models initial weights (i.e. the base model's initialization)
    episodes = 5
    nb_inner_train_steps = 5
    ## get base model
    base_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
        ('fc', nn.Linear(1,1, bias=False)),
        ('act', nn.ReLU())
    ## parametrization/mdl for the inner optimizer
    opt_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
        ('fc', nn.Linear(3,1, bias=False)), # 3 inputs [p, g, prev_lr] 1 for parameter, 1 for gradient, 1 for previous lr
        ('act', nn.LeakyReLU())
    ## get outer optimizer (not differentiable nor trainable)
    outer_opt = optim.Adam([{'params': base_mdl.parameters()},{'params': opt_mdl.parameters()}], lr=0.01)
    for episode in range(episodes):
        ## get fake support & query data (from a single task and 1 data point)
        spt_x, spt_y, qry_x, qry_y = torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1)
        ## get differentiable & trainable (parametrized) inner optimizer
        inner_opt = EmptySimpleMetaLstm( base_mdl.parameters() )
        with higher.innerloop_ctx(base_mdl, inner_opt, copy_initial_weights=copy_initial_weights, track_higher_grads=track_higher_grads) as (fmodel, diffopt):
            diffopt.override = {'trainable_opt_model': opt_mdl, 'trainable_opt_state': {'prev_lr': 0.9*torch.randn(1)} }
            for i_inner in range(nb_inner_train_steps): # this current version implements full gradient descent on k_shot examples (which is usually small  5)
                # base/child model forward pass
                inner_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(spt_x) - spt_y))**2
                # inner-opt update
            ## Evaluate on query set for current task
            qry_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(qry_x) - qry_y))**2
            qry_loss.backward() # for memory efficient computation
        ## outer update
        print(f'episode = {episode}')
        print(f'base_mdl.grad = {base_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')
        print(f'opt_mdl.grad = {opt_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')

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I think this is all I need:

        inner_opt = EmptySimpleMetaLstm( base_mdl.parameters() )
        with higher.innerloop_ctx(base_mdl, inner_opt, copy_initial_weights=copy_initial_weights, track_higher_grads=track_higher_grads) as (fmodel, diffopt):
            diffopt.override = {'trainable_opt_model': opt_mdl, 'trainable_opt_state': {'prev_lr': 0.9*torch.randn(1)} }

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renesax14 commented Jun 18, 2020

egrefen commented on Mar 5
That line of code (deep copy) is important, as we want to safely branch off the state of the optimizer as used in the outer loop and return to it (or not touch it in the first place, which is what we do with the copy here) at the end of the unrolled inner loop.

Use override, please.

egrefen commented on Mar 6
Override is a kwarg for differentiable optims (at creation, or step time,
and you can also use it with the context manager) which allows you to use
arbitrary tensors instead of values held in the optimizer state. For
example, you could override the learning rate with a tensor which requires
grad, which would allow you to unroll your loops, take gradient of the
meta-loss with regard to the learning rate, and update this tensor.

See for details,
#32 (comment) for
a similar explanation, and for
an example.

from this issue:


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