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Last active January 15, 2019 09:11
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'Creating Function to do a query and then fill the list with the results
Private Function doQueryAndFill(query As String, listName As String)
Dim results As recordSet
'test if the id is not null // Replace id_Person
If Not IsNull(Me.id_Person.Value) Then
Set results = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(query)
Me(listName).RowSourceType = "Value List"
Me(listName).RowSource = ""
'fill the list with the results
Do While Not results.EOF
Me(listName).AddItem results.Fields(1)
'Close DB and Clean variable results
Set results = Nothing
End If
End Function
Private Sub Form_Current()
'Hide the navigation buttons
Me.RecordSelectors = False
Me.NavigationButtons = False
'When adding a new person, clear the lists
If Form.NewRecord = True Then
'//Replace all the list for the name of your lists
Me("ListEmails").RowSource = ""
Me("ListPhones").RowSource = ""
Me("ListNationalities").RowSource = ""
Me("ListAddresses").RowSource = ""
End If
'Declare all the query variable, you can name this as you want
Dim queryEmail As String
Dim queryPhone As String
Dim queryNationality As String
Dim queryAdress As String
Dim queryEnterprise As String
'As the where condition is always the same, is better to do a variable
Dim WhereCondition As String
'This is the last line of your query // you need to adapt the hole line with your variables
WhereCondition = "WHERE T_Person.id_Person=" & Me.id_Person.Value & ""
'Now you need do your querys, do not forget the space ↓ at the end of each line
queryEmail = "SELECT T_Person.id_Person, T_Email.adresse_Email " & _
"FROM T_Person INNER JOIN (T_Email INNER JOIN T_Person_Email ON T_Email.id_Email = T_Person_Email.FK_Email) " & _
"ON T_Person.id_Person = T_Person_Email.FK_Person " & _
WhereCondition 'the last line is the variable WhereCondition.
queryPhone = "SELECT T_Person.id_Person, T_Phone.number_Phone " & _
"FROM T_Phone INNER JOIN (T_Person INNER JOIN T_Person_Phone ON T_Person.id_Person = T_Person_Phone.FK_Person) " & _
"ON T_Phone.id_Phone = T_Person_Phone.FK_Phone " & _
queryNationality = "SELECT T_Person.id_Person, T_Nationality.nationality_Nationality " & _
"FROM T_Person INNER JOIN (T_Nationality INNER JOIN T_Person_Nationality ON T_Nationality.id_Nationality = T_Person_Nationality.FK_Nationality) " & _
"ON T_Person.id_Person = T_Person_Nationality.FK_Person " & _
queryAdress = "SELECT T_Person.id_Person, T_Address.Name_Address " & _
"FROM T_Person INNER JOIN (T_Address INNER JOIN T_Person_Address ON T_Address.id_Adresse = T_Person_Address.FK_Address) " & _
"ON T_Person.id_Person = T_Person_Address.FK_Person " & _
queryEnterprise = "SELECT T_Person.id_Person, T_Enterprise.name_Enterprise " & _
"FROM T_Person INNER JOIN (T_Enterprise INNER JOIN T_Enterprise_Person ON T_Enterprise.id_Enterprise = T_Enterprise_Person.FK_Entrepirse) " & _
"ON T_Person.id_Person = T_Enterprise_Person.FK_Person " & _
'Call the function doQueryAndFill with the query as the first parameter and the the name of the list as the second
Call doQueryAndFill(queryEmail, "ListEmails") '//Replace the parameters with your variables and lists names.
Call doQueryAndFill(queryPhone, "ListPhones")
Call doQueryAndFill(queryNationality, "ListNationalities")
Call doQueryAndFill(queryAdress, "ListAddresses")
Call doQueryAndFill(queryEnterprise, "ListEnterprises")
End Sub
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