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Last active November 4, 2019 00:04
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@font-face with humanized font names
// ----
// libsass (v3.5.4)
// ----
/// String functions by Pascal Duez
/// @link
@function contain($list, $value) {
@return not not index($list, $value);
@function capitalize($string) {
@return to-upper-case(str-slice($string, 1, 1)) + str-slice($string, 2);
// Capitalize each word in string
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param [string] $string
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @return [string]
@function str-capitalize-words($string) {
$progress: $string;
$result: "";
$running: true;
@while $running {
$index: str-index($progress, " ");
@if $index {
$result: $result + capitalize(str-slice($progress, 1, $index));
$progress: str-slice($progress, ($index + 1));
@else {
$running: false;
@return capitalize($result) + capitalize($progress);
@function camelize($string) {
$progress: $string;
$result: "";
$exclude: " ", "-", "", "", "_", ",", ";", ":", ".";
@while str-length($progress) > 0 {
$char: str-slice($progress, 1, 1);
@if contain($exclude, $char) {
$progress: capitalize(str-slice($progress, 2, 2)) + str-slice($progress, 3);
@else {
$result: $result + $char;
$progress: str-slice($progress, 2);
@return $result;
@function to-pascal-case($string) {
@return capitalize(camelize($string));
@function humanized-font-weight($weight: 400){
@if $weight == 100 {
@return ("Thin", "Hairline");
} @else if $weight == 200 {
@return ("Extra Light", "Ultra Light");
} @else if $weight == 300 {
@return ("Light");
} @else if $weight == 400 {
@return ("Book", "Regular", "Normal");
} @else if $weight == 500 {
@return ("Medium");
} @else if $weight == 600 {
@return ("Semi Bold", "Demi Bold");
} @else if $weight == 700 {
@return ("Bold");
} @else if $weight == 800 {
@return ("Extra Bold", "Ultra Bold");
} @else if $weight == 900 {
@return ("Black", "Heavy");
} @else {
@error "Invalid font-weight #{$weight}";
@mixin font-face-src($name, $humanized-names-list, $path){
$list: ();
@each $humanized-name in $humanized-names-list {
$list: append($list,local("#{str-capitalize-words($name))} #{$humanized-name}"), comma);
$list: append($list,local("#{to-pascal-case($name))}-#{to-pascal-case($humanized-name)}"), comma);
$list: append($list, url("#{$path}.woff2") format("woff2"), comma);
$list: append($list, url("#{$path}.woff") format("woff"), comma);
src: $list;
/// Outputs a modern css font-face declaration
/// @group Tools
/// @param {String} $path - Path to your font file (no extension)
/// @param {String} $name ['Custom Font'] - Your font name
/// (yes you should keep the original, to make use of local but it's not mandatory)
/// @param {Number} $font-weight [400] - (100...900)
/// @param {String} $font-style [normal] - (Italic | Oblique | inherit | unset)
/// @param {String} $font-display [swap] - how a font face is displayed based on whether and when it is downloaded and ready to use.
/// @param {*} $unicode-range [U+000-5FF] - Download only latin glyphs
/// @example markup - Preload your fonts (recommended, not required)
/// <head>
/// <link rel="preload" as="font" href="/fonts/your-web-font.woff2" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous">
/// </head>
/// @example scss - Including using font-face
/// @include font-face(
/// $path: "/fonts/your-web-font",
/// $name: "Custom Font Name"
/// $font-weight: 500
/// $font-style: normal
/// )
/// // Not that the name should be the same! only weight changes
/// @include font-face(
/// $path: "/fonts/your-web-font-semi-bold",
/// $name: "Custom Font Name"
/// $font-weight: 600
/// $font-style: normal
/// )
/// @link
/// @link
@mixin font-face(
$name: "Custom Font",
$font-weight: 400,
$font-style: normal,
$font-display: swap,
$unicode-range: U+000-5FF
@font-face {
font-family: $name;
font-weight: $font-weight;
font-style: $font-style;
font-display: $font-display;
unicode-range: $unicode-range;
@include font-face-src($name, humanized-font-weight(200), "asdad/ad");
@include font-face(
"My Custom Font"
@font-face {
font-family: "My Custom Font";
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
font-display: swap;
unicode-range: U+000-5FF;
src: local("My Custom Font Extra Light"), local("MyCustomFont-ExtraLight"), local("My Custom Font Ultra Light"), local("MyCustomFont-UltraLight"), url("asdad/ad.woff2") format("woff2"), url("asdad/ad.woff") format("woff");
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