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Peter Alvin remoteportal

  • Onlyup, LLC
  • Charlotte, NC
View GitHub Profile
aksonov /
Last active August 26, 2024 12:27
Proposal for lightning talk at ReactiveConf 2017: What is RNRF (react-native-router-flux)?

What is RNRF (react-native-router-flux)?

React Native is great product but lacks for stable, intuitive and easy navigation API during many years. Every year we see new, better API: Native Navigator, ex-Navigator, NavigationExperimental, ex-Navigation, wix native navigation, airbnb native navigation, ReactNavigation...

Once I've started React Native development, in 2015, I created RNRF - simple API for easy navigation. It was clear that better navigation instruments will come later but I didn't want to change my code again and again to switch for better API. Every new major version of RNRF is based on different navigation framework and mostly preserves own API.

Another goal was to represent all navigation flow within one place in clear, human-readable way - similar to iOS Storyboards concept. This way other engineers could understand your app flow faster.

matheus-santos / cheat_sheet_socketio
Last active May 1, 2019 19:23
SocketIO cheat sheet to emit messages through sockets
// SocketIO cheat sheet
// SocketIO is a library that makes websockets communications easier.
// Page:
// ref:
// send to current request socket client
socket.emit('message', "this is a test");
// sending to all clients, include sender
io.sockets.emit('message', "this is a test");
howlingblast / gist:5814547
Created June 19, 2013 14:00
CoffeeScript: getter/setter example
Function::property = (prop, desc) ->
Object.defineProperty @prototype, prop, desc
class Person
constructor: (@firstName, @lastName) ->
@property 'fullName',
get: -> "#{@firstName} #{@lastName}"
set: (name) -> [@firstName, @lastName] = name.split ' '
p = new Person 'Leroy', 'Jenkins'
inparallel / httpServer.cpp
Last active October 1, 2018 15:38
Simple HTTP server in GO, Libevent and Node.js
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <evhttp.h>
void generic_request_handler(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg)
// Includes functions for exporting active sheet or all sheets as JSON object (also Python object syntax compatible).
// Tweak the makePrettyJSON_ function to customize what kind of JSON to export.
var FORMAT_ONELINE = 'One-line';
var FORMAT_MULTILINE = 'Multi-line';
var FORMAT_PRETTY = 'Pretty';
var LANGUAGE_JS = 'JavaScript';
var LANGUAGE_PYTHON = 'Python';
mbadran / gist:130469
Created June 16, 2009 01:30
replace cd in bash to (silent) pushd
alias cd="pushd $@ > /dev/null"