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Bash script: Use WP-CLI on Laravel/Valet to download, install and configure WordPress like a breeze.
#! /bin/bash
# Author: Birgit Olzem aka @CoachBirgit
# Version: 1.0
# Created on: January 19th 2022
# Requires WP-CLI, cURL, wget
# credits for the origin idea to Jeremy Herve:
### How to use
# Use WP-CLI on Laravel/Valet to download, install and configure WordPress like a breeze. Generate some dummy content with attached featured images.
# We call the Unsplash API via with the image specs w1920, h1200, random, grayscale.
# Create a local folder where you want to download the images from Unsplash and adjust the path.
# install and activate your go-to plugins and favorite theme while creating the site
### let the magic happen!
echo "What do you want your site to be called? No Spaces, just lowercase letters please."
read site_name
cd ~/Sites/dev/
mkdir $site_name
cd $site_name
echo "Launch a new Valet site first."
valet park
valet link
echo "Securing Site URL"
valet secure
# We will need a database for that WordPress site.
echo "Creating Database"
mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE $site_name"
echo "Now let's install WordPress"
wp core download
wp config create --dbname=$site_name --dbuser=root --dbpass=
# wp config set WP_DEBUG true
wp core install --url=https://$site_name.wp --title=$site_name --admin_user=superwoman --admin_email=superwoman@email.tld --prompt=admin_password < /path/to/your/admin_password.txt
# choose your tagline
echo "What do want to display as tagline in your blog description?"
read blog_description
wp option update blogdescription $blog_description
# Remove example posts, pages, plugins and inactive themes
echo "Now let's do some cleaning"
wp theme delete $(wp theme list --status=inactive --field=name)
wp plugin delete --all
wp post delete $(wp post list --post_type='page' --format=ids) --force
wp post delete $(wp post list --post_type='post' --format=ids) --force
wp comment delete $(wp comment list --status=approved --format=ids)
# Rewrite permalink structure
echo "Now let's set permalink structure"
wp rewrite structure '/%postname%/' --hard
wp rewrite flush --hard
# Generate 10 posts with lorem ipsum content
echo "Generate some posts"
curl | wp post generate --post_content --count=10
# Download random images from Unsplash into a local folder, import them and set each as featured image related to the post
echo "Get POST_ID, download image and set it as featured image"
GET_POST_ID="$(wp post list --post_type=post --field=ID --format=csv)"
mkdir mediaimport
for post_id in ${GET_POST_ID[0]}; do
wget\?random\&grayscale -O ~/Sites/dev/$site_name/mediaimport/unsplash_$post_id.jpg;
sleep 1m
wp media import ~/Sites/dev/$site_name/mediaimport/unsplash_$post_id.jpg --post_id=$post_id --title="A dummy picture for $post_id" --featured_image
echo "we'll need some plugins"
wp plugin install elementor --activate
# You can install your premium plugins from a local folder and activate them directly
# wp plugin install ~/Sites/site-plugins/ --activate
# You can also activate your Elementor Pro license on the fly
# echo "we'll activate the Elementor Pro license"
# wp elementor-pro license activate xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
echo "we'll install and activate the theme Kadence"
wp theme install kadence --activate
echo "Excellent. Your new site is ready!"
open http://$site_name.wp/wp-admin/
exit 0;
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