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Last active January 9, 2019 14:00
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  • Save remitaffin/68c8c8541c36c57cf3c7dfa5d77749dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# This script kills running containers, old stopped containers,
# and dangling images.
# Set -e exits the script if any command has a non-zero exit status
# Set -u returns an error when a variable is unknown instead of silently ignore it
# Set -o pipefail prevents errors in a pipeline (sequence of |) from being masked
set -euo pipefail
DOCKER_BIN=$(which 2> /dev/null || which docker 2> /dev/null)
if [ -z "$DOCKER_BIN" ] ; then
echo "Docker is not installed"
exit 1
printf "\n>>> Stop all docker containers...\n"
tostop=$($DOCKER_BIN ps -q)
if [ "$tostop" ]; then
$DOCKER_BIN kill $tostop
echo -e "[OK]\n"
printf "\n>>> Kill all stopped docker containers...\n"
tokill=$($DOCKER_BIN ps -aq)
if [ "$tokill" ]; then
$DOCKER_BIN rm -v $tokill
echo -e "[OK]\n"
printf "\n>>> Remove dangling docker images...\n"
toremove=$($DOCKER_BIN images -q -f "dangling=true")
if [ "${toremove}" ]; then
$DOCKER_BIN rmi $toremove
echo -e "[OK]\n"
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