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Created December 7, 2017 00:14
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G vs. E laziness
(* The G method supports thunks well. *)
type 'a g_thunk_inner
= GUnevaled of (unit -> 'a)
| GEvaled of 'a
type 'a g_thunk
= GThunk of ('a g_thunk_inner) ref
let g_force (th: 'a g_thunk): 'a =
let GThunk th = th in
match !th with
| GUnevaled x ->
let v = x () in
th := GEvaled v;
| GEvaled x -> x
(* Yeah, in the E method, thunks are pretty shite. *)
type 'a e_thunk = EThunk of (unit -> 'a)
let e_force (th: 'a e_thunk): 'a =
let EThunk f = th in
f ()
(* G streams are harder to read though. *)
type 'a g_stream
= GStream of ('a g_stream_inner) ref
and 'a g_stream_inner
= GUnevaledStream of 'a * (unit -> 'a g_stream)
| GEvaledStream of 'a * 'a g_stream
let g_head (s: 'a g_stream): 'a =
let GStream s = s in
match !s with
| GUnevaledStream (h, _) -> h
| GEvaledStream (h, _) -> h
let g_tail (s: 'a g_stream): 'a g_stream =
let GStream s = s in
match !s with
| GUnevaledStream (h, f) ->
let t = f () in
s := GEvaledStream (h, t);
| GEvaledStream (_, t) -> t
let rec g_nth (n: int) (s: 'a g_stream): 'a =
if n = 0 then
g_head s
g_nth (n-1) (g_tail s)
(* E streams are much nicer. *)
type 'a e_stream = EStream of 'a * (unit -> 'a e_stream)
let e_head (s: 'a e_stream): 'a =
let EStream (h, _) = s in
let e_tail (s: 'a e_stream): 'a e_stream =
let EStream (_, t) = s in
t ()
let rec e_nth (n: int) (s: 'a e_stream): 'a =
if n = 0 then
e_head s
e_nth (n-1) (e_tail s)
(* Examples *)
let foo_inner () =
print_endline "pretend this is some math that takes an hour";
let g_foo = GThunk (ref (GUnevaled foo_inner))
let e_foo = EThunk foo_inner
let g_nats =
let rec g_nats_from n =
let f () =
print_endline ("Taking tail of g_nats_from " ^ string_of_int n);
g_nats_from (n+1)
in GStream (ref (GUnevaledStream (n, f)))
in g_nats_from 0
let e_nats =
let rec e_nats_from n =
let f () =
print_endline ("Taking tail of e_nats_from " ^ string_of_int n);
e_nats_from (n+1)
in EStream (n, f)
in e_nats_from 0
let test () =
print_endline "Forcing g_foo twice.";
print_endline (string_of_int (g_force g_foo));
print_endline (string_of_int (g_force g_foo));
print_endline "Forcing e_foo twice.";
print_endline (string_of_int (e_force e_foo));
print_endline (string_of_int (e_force e_foo));
print_endline "Getting 5th of g_nats twice.";
print_endline (string_of_int (g_nth 5 g_nats));
print_endline (string_of_int (g_nth 5 g_nats));
print_endline "Getting 5th of e_nats twice.";
print_endline (string_of_int (e_nth 5 e_nats));
print_endline (string_of_int (e_nth 5 e_nats));
print_endline "=== DONE ==="
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