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Last active February 21, 2017 22:57
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A Python script that extracts SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program) data from a Jira generated JSON file. See for details on SR&ED. It gathers "Start Date", "Resolution Date" and "# of People" and calculates the "Person Weeks" for each Jira Story.
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# ====================
# 1.- Use the Jira REST API to grab the JSON data that belongs to a given Epic:
# 2.- Save the JSON object in a .json file in the same folder as this script
# 3.- Repeat #1 and #2 as many times as Jira Epics you want to process
# 4.- Run this script
# 5.- The output data will be in the output.csv file. Same folder.
import json
import math
import csv
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pprint import pprint
weeks_map = dict()
people_map = dict()
def dt_parse(t):
# From
ret = datetime.strptime(t[0:16],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
if t[18]=='+':
elif t[18]=='-':
return ret
def get_week(t):
return dt_parse(t).isocalendar()[1]
def get_weeks(d1, d2):
# Returns the difefrence between 2 dates (in weeks)
# Result is rounded up, so something that is less than a week
# counts as 1 week.
if d1 is None or d2 is None:
return 0
d1 = dt_parse(d1)
d2 = dt_parse(d2)
return math.ceil((d2 - d1).total_seconds() / 604800)
def get_people(list_of_people, start, end):
out = dict()
for person in list_of_people:
out[person] = get_person_weeks(get_week(start), get_week(end), person)
return json.dumps(out)
def get_person_weeks(start_week, end_week, person):
worked = 0
for week in range(start_week, end_week + 1):
people_from_this_week = weeks_map.get(str(week))
if people_from_this_week is None:
people_from_this_week = []
if person.lower() not in people_from_this_week:
# Increase the counter for this person
worked = worked + 1
# Add the person to the array
weeks_map[str(week)] = people_from_this_week
# Increment the global summary
if people_map.get(person) is None:
people_map[person] = 0
people_map[person] = people_map[person] + worked
# Return the count for the given range
return worked
# Generate the CSV file and add headers to it
output = csv.writer(open("output.csv","w"), delimiter=',',quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
headers = [
# 'assigned_date',
# 'weeks',
'# of people',
# find the JSON files to be used as input
files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
for f in files:
if f.endswith('.json'):
# Parse the JSON file
with open(f) as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
# Go over the tickets that belong to a given epic
for issue in data['issues']:
issue_key = issue['key']
issue_histories = issue['changelog']['histories']
resolution_date = issue['fields']['resolutiondate']
result = {
'epic_key': f,
'issue_key': issue_key,
'assigned_date': None,
'into_progress_date': None,
'resolution_date': resolution_date,
'people': [],
'weeks': 0.0
# Go through the changelog for this particualr ticket
for history in issue_histories:
for event in history['items']:
if event['fromString'] == 'To Do'and event['toString'] == 'In Progress':
# When did we actually star working on this ticket?
into_progress_date = history['created']
result['into_progress_date'] = into_progress_date
elif event['field'] == 'assignee' and event['from'] is None:
# See when the assignement happened,
# and who worked on the ticket
assigned_date = history['created']
result['assigned_date'] = assigned_date
dev_person = event['to']
if dev_person not in result['people']:
elif event['field'] == 'resolution':
# Who is the QA person?
qa_person = history['author']['name']
if qa_person not in result['people']:
# Build a result object
result['weeks'] = get_weeks(result['into_progress_date'],
# Add a row to the CSV file if applicable
if result['into_progress_date'] is not None:
csv_row = [
# result['assigned_date'],
# result['weeks'],
get_people(result['people'], result['into_progress_date'], result['resolution_date'])
except Exception as e:
# Deal with errors and move along!
print "We had a problem with " + f
print e
print ''
print 'SUMMARY'
print '========'
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