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JayDoubleu /
Last active April 7, 2023 13:06
Scripts to create custom fedora silverblue iso
mkdir isobuild && cd isobuild
sudo dnf install rpm-ostree lorax -y
git clone -b f33
git clone -b f33
mkdir repo
ostree init --repo=repo
rpm-ostree compose tree --repo=$(pwd)/repo \
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is a script to download patch/fix the setup and config so you can use
# chrome-remote-desktop via
# crd = chrome-remote-desktop where convenient (like binary names)
# There are a few issues that need fixing:
# 1. the oauth onboard via the above link requires Google's binaries (i.e. the ones in the .deb)
# 2. paths don't match - fedora installs in /usr/lib64/chrome-remote-desktop instead of /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop
AndyShiue /
Last active September 2, 2024 07:15
Cubical type theory for dummies

I think I’ve figured out most parts of the cubical type theory papers; I’m going to take a shot to explain it informally in the format of Q&As. I prefer using syntax or terminologies that fit better rather than the more standard ones.

Q: What is cubical type theory?

A: It’s a type theory giving homotopy type theory its computational meaning.

Q: What is homotopy type theory then?

A: It’s traditional type theory (which refers to Martin-Löf type theory in this Q&A) augmented with higher inductive types and the univalence axiom.

Arinerron /
Last active June 10, 2024 17:35
"Root" via dirtyc0w privilege escalation exploit (automation script) / Android (32 bit)
# Give the usual warning.
echo "[INFO] Automated Android root script started.\n\n[WARN] Exploit requires sdk module \"NDK\".\nFor more information, visit the installation guide @\n[INFO] Press Ctrl+C to stop the script if you need to install the NDK module. Waiting 10 seconds...";
sleep 10;
# Download and extract exploit files.
echo "[INFO] Downloading exploit files from GitHub...";

This document has moved!

It's now here, in The Programmer's Compendium. The content is the same as before, but being part of the compendium means that it's actively maintained.

briandeheus /
Last active April 1, 2022 02:53
Don't be a punk, punk
import binascii
import struct
class Punk(object):
_MAX_BYTES = 2147483647
_chunks = dict()
eddieh /
Last active March 7, 2024 20:33
libevent vs libuv

libevent vs libuv

Comparing libevent and libuv. My upfront biased: I want to like libevent. However, I want to objectively compare the two and make an informed decision.

What versions are we comparing?

  • libevent 2.0.22 (Stable) [2014-01-05]
  • libuv 1.8.0 (Stable) [2015-12-15]
Last active June 3, 2024 08:05
Working around offsetof limitations in C++

Working around offsetof limitations in C++:

There is sometimes a situation in which one needs to get the relative offset of a structure field, common examples of this include serialization frameworks which aid to serialize objects, vertex attributes for rendering (D3D, GL.), etc.

The most common technique for getting this information is through the offsetof macro defined in stddef.h. Unfortunately using the macro in C++ comes with a new set of restrictions that prevent some (subjectively valid) uses of it.

mame / main.rb
Created November 8, 2015 14:07
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bcardiff /
Last active September 5, 2019 18:09
for crystal
macro for(expr)
{{raise "invalid syntax. use for e in c." unless == "in"}}
{{expr.args.first.args.first}}.each do |{{}}|
for e in 1..5 do
puts e