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Last active June 28, 2024 10:55
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Implementation of Galois Rings for SageMath
# Load using the following command in SageMath:
# load("")
# Get the latest version from
from sage.structure.richcmp import richcmp
class GaloisRingElement(CommutativeRingElement):
def __init__(self, parent, p):
B = parent.base()
self.p = B(p)
CommutativeRingElement.__init__(self, parent)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.p)
def __rshift__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.parent(), [c >> other for c in self.list()])
def _repr_(self):
str = ""
if self.p == 0:
return "0"
for i, c in enumerate(self.list()):
if self.parent().repr == "centered":
c = c.lift_centered()
elif self.parent().repr == "rational":
c = c.rational_reconstruction()
c = c.lift_centered()
if c == 0:
if str != "":
str += " + " if c > 0 else " - "
if self.parent().repr == "centered" or self.parent().repr == "rational":
c = abs(c)
if c != 1 or i == 0:
str += f"{c}"
if c != 1 and i > 0:
str += "*"
if i != 0:
str += self.parent().variable_name
if i > 1:
str += f"^{i}"
return str
def list(self):
return self.p.list()
def residue(self):
'''Returns the residue of this element in the residue field.'''
F = self.parent().residue_field()
e = sum([F(c) * F.gen()^i for i, c in enumerate(self.list())])
return e
def multiplicative_order(self):
'''Returns the multiplicative order of this element.'''
if not self.is_unit():
raise ArithmeticError("multiplicative order of non-units is undefined")
R = self.parent()
x = self
# Start with order of the multiplicative group, then remove factors.
order = R.exponent()
assert x^order == 1
for (p, e) in factor(order):
while order % p == 0:
if x^(order // p) != 1:
order //= p
return order
def p_adic(self):
'''Returns the p-adic representation'''
T = self.parent().teichmuller_set()
t = dict(zip([t.residue() for t in T] , T))
r = self
a = []
for i in range(self.parent().prime_exponent):
r -= a[-1]
r >>= 1
return a
def frobenius(self):
'''Returns the Frobenius of this element.'''
R = self.parent()
return sum([^i * a^ for i, a in enumerate(self.p_adic())])
def trace(self):
s = self
t = s
for i in range(self.parent().degree - 1):
s = s.frobenius()
t += s
return t
def norm(self):
s = self
t = s
for i in range(self.parent().degree - 1):
s = s.frobenius()
t *= s
return t
def _richcmp_(self, other, op):
return richcmp(self.p, other.p, op)
def _add_(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.parent(), self.p + other.p)
def _sub_(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.parent(), self.p - other.p)
def _mul_(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.parent(), self.p * other.p)
def _div_(self, other):
return self * other.inverse()
def is_unit(self):
return self.residue() != 0
def inverse(self):
if not self.is_unit():
raise ZeroDivisionError("division by zero")
return self^(self.parent().exponent() - 1)
class GaloisRing(UniqueRepresentation, CommutativeRing):
Element = GaloisRingElement
def __init__(self, p, n, f, names=('x',), repr='centered'):
# Prime field
if not p.is_prime():
raise ValueError("p must be prime") = p
self.prime_field = GF(p)
# Coefficient ring
if n < 1:
raise ValueError("n must be positive")
self.prime_exponent = n
self.coefficient_ring = Integers(^self.prime_exponent)
# Galois field
self.variable_name = names[0]
P = PolynomialRing(self.prime_field, name=self.variable_name+'bar')
modulus = f(P.gen())
if not modulus.is_monic():
raise ValueError("f must be monic")
if not modulus.is_irreducible():
raise ValueError("f must be irreducible") =
self.galois_field = GF((p,, modulus=modulus, name=self.variable_name)
# Galois ring
P = PolynomialRing(self.coefficient_ring, name=self.variable_name)
self.modulus = f(P.gen())
self.galois_ring = P.quotient(self.modulus, names=(self.variable_name,))
self.repr = repr
CommutativeRing.__init__(self, self.galois_ring)
def _repr_(self):
return f"Galois Ring in {self.variable_name} of characteristic {}^{self.prime_exponent} and extension degree {}"
def characteristic(self):
def cardinality(self):
return^( * self.prime_exponent)
def coefficient_ring(self):
'''Returns the coefficient ring of the Galois ring, Z/p^dZ.'''
return self.base().base_ring()
def residue_field(self):
'''Returns the residue field of this Galois ring, GF(p^d).'''
return self.galois_field
def gens(self):
return [self.element_class(self, x) for x in self.base().gens()]
def gen(self):
'''Generator of the ring.'''
return self.element_class(self, self.base().gen())
def root(self, order):
'''Returns a primitive root of given order.'''
N = self.gen().multiplicative_order()
if N % order != 0:
raise ArithmeticError("Primitive root of given order not found.")
return self.gen()^(N // order)
def teichmuller_set(self):
n =^ - 1
e = self.root(n)
return [] + [e^i for i in range(n)]
def random_element(self):
return self.element_class(self, self.base().random_element())
def exponent(self):
'''Returns the number N such that a^N = 1 for all units a.'''
return (^ - 1) *^((self.prime_exponent - 1) *
def lenstra_constant(self):
'''Returns the Lenstra constant for this Galois ring.'''
return **
def exceptional_sequence(self):
'''Returns a maximal length exceptional sequence.'''
return sorted([self.element_class(self, a) for a in self.galois_field])
def _element_constructor_(self, *args, **kwds):
if len(args)!=1:
return self.element_class(self, *args, **kwds)
x = args[0]
P = x.parent()
except AttributeError:
return self.element_class(self, x, **kwds)
return self.element_class(self, x, **kwds)
def _coerce_map_from_(self, S):
return self.base().has_coerce_map_from(S)
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