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Created December 7, 2022 05:52
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CTF for CyberHub and Programming Club (2022-12)
## Capture the Flag - Cypto Beginners - Basic Cypher
# authors: Nauman (recluze) / Sohail
# Effat University, Jeddah, KSA
# Information availble to perform cryptanalysis:
# - Message is in the English language
# - Message is approximately (but not exactly) 10 words long
cypher_text = "1012,981,924,968,980,985,974,985,914,924,1023,979,978,987,974,989,968,969,976,989,968,981,979,978,975,924,979,978,924,984,985,991,974,965,972,968,981,978,987,924,968,980,985,924,983,985,965,925,924,1012,985,974,985,923,975,924,965,979,969,974,924,986,976,989,987,902,924,906,907,909,990,901,906,900,989,911,986,985,904,908,910,901,900,901,910,906,909,986,910,984,905,909,991,990,991,901,908,904,906,985,909,990,901,989,904,905,910"
key = 1
def decrypt(msg, key):
decrypted_message = ""
for c in msg.split(","): # each character gets decrypted separately
if c.strip() == "": continue
c_bin = int(c)
c_decrypted = c_bin ^ key
c_decrypted = chr(c_decrypted)
decrypted_message += c_decrypted
return decrypted_message
if __name__ == "__main__":
for key in range(10_000):
decrypted = decrypt(cypher_text, key)
# add a check here to "detect" if the key is the rigth one!
if True:
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