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Save rebrec/2a9867264468d93c93bdf473eb65afa3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Description:
# This script helps Extensions creators to quickly create a new extension that can add some contextual menu
# to their desired location (Collection, Software Update group, whatever the Administrator UI Allows...)
# When creating an extension in SCCM, you need to define with which component of the UI it will interact.
# this guid is a bit difficult to find (you need to search through XML files).
# For this purpose, this script will create an extension action per UI component so that everywhere you
# can right click in the SCCM Administrator User Interface, a contextual menu will appear with it's GUID displayed
# clicking on this GUID will copy it to the clibpard.
# Warning:
# This script will create extensions in the folder ($$env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH\..\..\XmlStorage\Extensions\Actions)
# On a default installation, THE FOLDER TO BACKUP IS:
# C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\Extensions
# /!\ Warning 2: Don't run this on production if you are unsure of what you are doing.
# On my test machine, running this script will result in the creation of 6000 files which will slow down
# Admin UI loading time.
# Even if it's not specifically dangerous, it's never good to play on production environments.
# Usage :
# - Run this script once AS ADMINISTRATOR
# - Close and start again the SCCM Admin Console
# - Right click everywhere in the UI to reveal the associated GUID
# - Create your extension's actions with this GUID
# Credits:
# Credits goes to this great article:
# Modifications from the original code:
# - Modified the way clipboard is set
# - Force the script to require Admin right to have appropriate right for folder / file creation
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
$ConfigInstallPath = $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH | Out-String
$ConfigInstallPath = $ConfigInstallPath.Trim()
$XMLPath = $ConfigInstallPath -replace "\\bin\\i386", "\XmlStorage\ConsoleRoot"
$ActionsPath = $ConfigInstallPath -replace "\\bin\\i386", "\XmlStorage\Extensions\Actions"
Get-ChildItem "$XMLPath" -Filter "*.xml" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$FullFileName = $_.FullName
$FileContent = Get-Content $FullFileName
foreach ($line in $FileContent) {
if ($line.ToUpper().Contains("NAMESPACEGUID=")) {
$SplitLine = $line.Split("`"")
$GUID = $SplitLine[1]
$FilePath = "$ActionsPath\$GUID"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$strOutput = "<ActionDescription Class=`"Executable`" DisplayName=`"$GUID`" MnemonicDisplayName=`"$GUID`" Description=`"$GUID`">`n"
$strOutput = $strOutput + "<ShowOn><string>ContextMenu</string></ShowOn>`n"
$strOutput = $strOutput + "<Executable><FilePath>cmd.exe</FilePath>`n"
$strOutput = $strOutput + "<Parameters> /c Powershell.exe -Command ""Set-Clipboard '$GUID'""</Parameters></Executable>`n"
$strOutput = $strOutput + "</ActionDescription>"
$strOutput > "$FilePath\File.xml"
Write-Host "File $FilePath\File.xml created!"
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