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Last active September 13, 2021 17:25
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module FindMax where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import GHC.Arr
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Text.Printf
-- | The multiplier that we use when calculating occurrences is the
-- maximum number in the array, plus one. We can only use the modulo
-- offset algorithm when the largest number in the input list is less
-- than, or equal to, the size of the list.
findMultiplier :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
findMultiplier [] = Nothing
findMultiplier nums =
let largestNum = maximum nums
in if largestNum > length nums
then Nothing
else Just (largestNum + 1)
-- | In this function we iterate through the list of numbers. For each
-- number in the list, we read that number and update a different
-- index in the list based on it's value. We do this by taking the
-- element at the current index, and computing a new index with
-- (currentElement % multiplier). We add the multiplier value to the
-- value at the new index.
-- Multiplier is given by the findMultiper function.
findCounts :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
findCounts input multiplier = runST $ do
let inputSize = length input - 1
inputArray <- thawSTArray $ listArray (0, inputSize) input
forM_ [0..inputSize] $ \index -> do
valueAtIndex <- readSTArray inputArray index
let indexToIncrement = valueAtIndex `mod` multiplier
oldValueAtTargetIndex <- readSTArray inputArray indexToIncrement
writeSTArray inputArray indexToIncrement (oldValueAtTargetIndex + multiplier)
finalArray <- freezeSTArray inputArray
pure (elems finalArray)
-- | Find the index of the largest value in the list.
findMaxIndex :: [Int] -> Int
findMaxIndex numbers =
fst $ foldr findMaximumIndex (0,0) (zip [0..] numbers)
findMaximumIndex :: (Int, Int) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
findMaximumIndex (currentIndex, currentNumber) (largestIndex, largestNumber) =
if currentNumber > largestNumber
then (currentIndex, currentNumber)
else (largestIndex, largestNumber)
-- | Run the program with a given number list and multipliers.
runProgram :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
runProgram numbers multiplier =
findMaxIndex (findCounts numbers multiplier)
-- | get command line arguments in the form of "1 2 3 4" and turn them
-- into a list of integers "[1,2,3,4]"
getArguments :: IO [Int]
getArguments = do
argumentsAsStrings <- getArgs
return (map read argumentsAsStrings)
main = do
numbers <- getArguments
case findMultiplier numbers of
Nothing ->
print "Sorry! There's no valid way to process this"
Just multiplier ->
print (runProgram numbers multiplier)
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