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Created September 25, 2021 23:55
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FizzBuzz in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module FizzBuzz where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
type family ReplaceEvery (n :: Nat) (s :: Symbol) :: [Maybe Symbol] where
ReplaceEvery 0 s = TypeError (Text "Cannot replace every value with frequency 0")
ReplaceEvery 1 s = '[Just s]
ReplaceEvery n s = Nothing : ReplaceEvery (n - 1) s
type family Length (xs :: [a]) :: Nat where
Length '[] = 0
Length (x:xs) = 1 + (Length xs)
type family CycleTo' (n :: Nat) (originalList :: [a]) (currentHead :: [a]) :: [a] where
CycleTo' 0 _ _ = '[]
CycleTo' n orig (x:xs) = x : CycleTo' (n - 1) orig xs
CycleTo' n orig '[] = CycleTo' n orig orig
type family CycleTo (n :: Nat) (l :: [a]) :: [a] where
CycleTo n l = CycleTo' n l '[]
data Branch a
= Then a
| Else a
type family If (p :: Bool) (true :: Branch a) (false :: Branch a) :: a where
If True ('Then true) _ = true
If False _ ('Else false) = false
data Pair a b = Pair a b
type family PairFst (p :: Pair a b) :: a where
PairFst ('Pair a b) = a
type family PairSnd (p :: Pair a b) :: b where
PairSnd ('Pair a b) = b
type family SameSize (xs :: [a]) (ys :: [b]) :: Pair [a] [b] where
SameSize xs ys =
If (Length xs <=? Length ys)
(Then ('Pair (CycleTo (Length ys) xs) ys))
(Else ('Pair xs (CycleTo (Length xs) ys)))
type family EQ a b :: Bool where
EQ a a = True
EQ a b = False
type family CommonLength (xs :: [a]) (ys :: [b]) :: Nat where
CommonLength xs ys =
If (EQ (Length xs) (Length ys))
(Then (Length xs))
(Else ((Length xs) * (Length ys)))
type family ToMultiple (xs :: [a]) (ys :: [b]) :: Pair [a] [b] where
ToMultiple xs ys =
'Pair (CycleTo (CommonLength xs ys) xs) (CycleTo (CommonLength xs ys) ys)
type family JoinOptionalSymbols (a :: Maybe Symbol) (b :: Maybe Symbol) :: Maybe Symbol where
JoinOptionalSymbols Nothing Nothing = Nothing
JoinOptionalSymbols (Just a) Nothing = Just a
JoinOptionalSymbols Nothing (Just b) = Just b
JoinOptionalSymbols (Just a) (Just b) = Just (AppendSymbol a b)
type family MergeReplacers' (a :: [Maybe Symbol]) (b :: [Maybe Symbol]) :: [Maybe Symbol] where
MergeReplacers' '[] '[] = '[]
MergeReplacers' (a:as) (b:bs) = (JoinOptionalSymbols a b) : MergeReplacers' as bs
type family MergeReplacers (a :: [Maybe Symbol]) (b :: [Maybe Symbol]) :: [Maybe Symbol] where
MergeReplacers as bs = MergeReplacers' (PairFst (ToMultiple as bs)) (PairSnd (ToMultiple as bs))
type family FoldReplacers (replacers :: [[Maybe Symbol]]) :: [Maybe Symbol] where
FoldReplacers '[] = '[]
FoldReplacers '[x] = x
FoldReplacers (x:xs) = MergeReplacers x (FoldReplacers xs)
type family FromMaybe (val :: a) (m :: Maybe a) :: a where
FromMaybe _ (Just a) = a
FromMaybe a Nothing = a
type family NatSymbol (n :: Nat) :: Symbol where
NatSymbol 0 = "0"
NatSymbol 1 = "1"
NatSymbol 2 = "2"
NatSymbol 3 = "3"
NatSymbol 4 = "4"
NatSymbol 5 = "5"
NatSymbol 6 = "6"
NatSymbol 7 = "7"
NatSymbol 8 = "8"
NatSymbol 9 = "9"
NatSymbol n =
AppendSymbol (NatSymbol (Div n 10)) (NatSymbol (Mod n 10))
type family AppendToList (val :: a) (lst :: [a]) :: [a] where
AppendToList a '[] = '[a]
AppendToList a (x:xs) = x : (AppendToList a xs)
type family NumSymbolsTo (n :: Nat) :: [Symbol] where
NumSymbolsTo 0 = '[]
NumSymbolsTo n = AppendToList (NatSymbol n) (NumSymbolsTo (n - 1))
type family MergeMaybe' (defaults :: [a]) (overlays :: [Maybe a]) :: [a] where
MergeMaybe' '[] '[] = '[]
MergeMaybe' (a:as) (Nothing:overlays) = a : MergeMaybe' as overlays
MergeMaybe' (_:as) ((Just overlay):overlays) = overlay : MergeMaybe' as overlays
type family MergeMaybe (defaults :: [a]) (overlays :: [Maybe a]) :: [a] where
MergeMaybe defaults overlays = MergeMaybe' defaults (CycleTo (Length defaults) overlays)
type family UnlinesSymbols (lines :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where
UnlinesSymbols '[] = ""
UnlinesSymbols (line:lines) = AppendSymbol (AppendSymbol line "\n") (UnlinesSymbols lines)
type family FizzBuzz (n :: Nat) :: Symbol where
FizzBuzz n =
UnlinesSymbols (MergeMaybe (NumSymbolsTo n) (FoldReplacers [ReplaceEvery 3 "fizz", ReplaceEvery 5 "buzz"]))
fizzBuzz :: forall (n :: Nat). (KnownSymbol (FizzBuzz n)) => String
fizzBuzz = symbolVal $ Proxy @(FizzBuzz n)
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this is the most overengineered fizzbuzz that i have ever seen

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