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Last active June 14, 2021 09:03
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Go test coverage in VS Code


  • Coverage Gutters: vscode extension to display language-agnostic coverage from lcov reports
  • Reflex: to watch files and perform actions on change
  • gcov2lcov: to convert from Go's coverage report format to lcov
  • gotest: optional, you could just use go test


The path to what you want to test is required.

The rest is optional, but you can pass whatever you'd pass to go test.

# Watch and test all packages
retest ./...

# Watch and test a specific path
retest ./tokenizer

# Watch and test a subset of tests
retest -run=TestSomething/Foo ./tokenizer
function retest
set coverage_folder "./.coverage"
set coverage_output "$coverage_folder/cover.out"
set lcov_path "$coverage_folder/"
set default_test_flags "-v -count=1"
set cmd_prepare_folder "mkdir -p $coverage_folder"
set cmd_run_tests "(gotest -cover -covermode=count -coverprofile=$coverage_output -coverpkg=./... $default_test_flags $argv[1..-1] || true)"
set cmd_print_total "go tool cover -func=$coverage_output | tail -1 | awk '{printf \"%s %s %s\\n\", \$1, \$2, \$3}'"
set cmd_convert_report "gcov2lcov -infile $coverage_output -outfile $lcov_path"
reflex -s --decoration=none -r "\\.(go|yml)\$" -- sh -c "clear \
&& $cmd_prepare_folder \
&& $cmd_run_tests \
&& $cmd_print_total \
&& echo Converting coverage... \
&& $cmd_convert_report \
&& echo Done."
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