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Created April 21, 2023 23:37
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egui = "0.21"
egui_extras = "0.21"
eframe = "0.21"
use eframe::NativeOptions;
use egui_extras::Size;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let options = NativeOptions {
default_theme: eframe::Theme::Light,
eframe::run_native("Split panes", options, Box::new(|ctx| Box::new(PanesApp::new(ctx))))?;
struct PanesApp {
vertical: f32,
horizontal: f32,
impl PanesApp {
fn new(_cc: &eframe::CreationContext<'_>) -> Self {
impl Default for PanesApp {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
vertical: 250.0,
horizontal: 100.0,
impl eframe::App for PanesApp {
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) {
let central_panel = egui::CentralPanel::default();, |ui| {
ui.visuals_mut().selection.bg_fill = egui::Color32::from_rgb(0x4D, 0x97, 0xFF);
// save the current spacing
let spacing = ui.spacing().item_spacing;
// decrease the spacing between the strip cells
ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = [3.0, 3.0].into();
.size(Size::exact(2.0)) // separator
.vertical(|mut strip| {
strip.strip(|builder| {
.size(Size::exact(2.0)) // separator
.horizontal(|mut strip| {
strip.cell(|ui| {
// restore the original spacing for the current cell
ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = spacing;
ui.centered_and_justified(|ui| {
// separator cell
strip.cell(|ui| {
let stroke = ui.visuals().widgets.noninteractive.bg_stroke;
ui.painter().rect_filled(ui.available_rect_before_wrap(), 0.0, stroke.color);
let layout = egui::Layout::left_to_right(egui::Align::Center)
ui.with_layout(layout, |ui| {
let sep = egui::Label::new("").sense(egui::Sense::drag());
let r =
if r.dragged() {
self.horizontal += r.drag_delta()[0];
strip.cell(|ui| {
ui.centered_and_justified(|ui| {
// separator cell
strip.cell(|ui| {
let stroke = ui.visuals().widgets.noninteractive.bg_stroke;
ui.painter().rect_filled(ui.available_rect_before_wrap(), 0.0, stroke.color);
let layout = egui::Layout::top_down_justified(egui::Align::Center)
ui.with_layout(layout, |ui| {
let sep = egui::Label::new("").sense(egui::Sense::drag());
let r = ui.add(sep).on_hover_and_drag_cursor(egui::CursorIcon::ResizeVertical);
if r.dragged() {
self.vertical += r.drag_delta()[1];
strip.cell(|ui| {
ui.centered_and_justified(|ui| {
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