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Last active June 8, 2020 22:08
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JMeter Quick Reference

JMeter Quick Reference

Samplers: Samplers tell JMeter to send a request to a server and wait for a response. Following is the list of JMeter Samplers:

FTP Request
HTTP Request
JDBC Request
Java Request
WebService (SOAP)
LDAP Request
LDAP Extended Request
Access Log Sampler
BeanShell Sampler
BSF Sampler
TCP Sampler
JMS Publisher
JMS Subscriber
JMS Point-to-Point
JUnit Request
Mail Reader Sampler
Test Action

Listeners: Provide access to the information JMeter gathers about the test cases while JMeter runs. Following is list of JMeter Listners:

Sample Result Save
Graph Full Results
Graph Results
Spline Visualizer
Assertion Results
View Results Tree
Aggregate Report
View Results in Table
Simple Data Writer
Monitor Results
Distribution Graph (alpha)
Aggregate Graph
Mailer Visualizer
BeanShell Listener
Summary Report

Assertions: Allow you to assert facts about responses received from the server being tested. Following is the list of JMeter Assertions:

Response Assertion
Duration Assertion
Size Assertion
XML Assertion
BeanShell Assertion
MD5Hex Assertion
HTML Assertion
XPath Assertion
XML Schema Assertion

Timers: Cause JMeter to pause for a certain amount of time before each request a thread group makes. Following is the list of Timers:

Constant Timer
Gaussian Random Timer
Uniform Random Timer
Constant Throughput Timer
Synchronizing Timer
BeanShell Timer

Logic Controllers: Let you customize the logic that JMeter uses to decide when to send requests. Following is the list of JMeter Logic controllers:

Simple Controller
Loop Controller
Once Only Controller
Interleave Controller
Random Controller
Random Order Controller
Throughput Controller
Runtime Controller
If Controller
While Controller
Switch Controller
ForEach Controller
Module Controller
Include Controller
Transaction Controller
Recording Controller

Configuration Elements: These are used to add or modify requests made by Samplers. Following is the list of configuration elements:

CSV Data Set Config
FTP Request Defaults
HTTP Authorization Manager
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Request Defaults
HTTP Header Manager
Java Request Defaults
JDBC Connection Configuration
Login Config Element
LDAP Request Defaults
LDAP Extended Request Defaults
TCP Sampler Config
User Defined Variables
Simple Config Element

Pre-Processors: Modify the settings of a Sample Request just before it runs, or to update variables that are not extracted from response text. Following is the list of Pre-Processors elements:

HTML Link Parser
HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier
HTML Parameter Mask
HTTP User Parameter Modifier
User Parameters
BeanShell PreProcessor

Post-Processors: Post-processors execute after a request has beenmade from a Sampler. They are often used to processthe response data. Following is the list of Post-Processors elements:

Regular Expression Extractor
XPath Extractor
Result Status Action Handler
Save Responses to a file
Generate Summary Results
BeanShell PostProcessor

Functions and Variables: JMeter functions are special values that can populate fields of any Sampler or other element in a test tree. Variables are local to a thread. Following is the list of Functions and Variables:


Miscellaneous Features: Following is the list of miscellaneous features of JMeter:

Test Plan
Thread Group
SSL Manager
HTTP Proxy Server
HTTP Mirror Server
Property Display
Debug Sampler
Debug PostProcessor
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