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RC Howe rchowe

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Amplify Gotchas

AWS Amplify is something roughly analogous to Firebase -- it attempts to provide all of the tools that you need to write a basic app. AWS delivers this as a framework that uses (and provides an overlay on) other AWS services such as Cognito, AppSync, and DynamoDB. However, the abstraction can be quite leaky at times and lead to a lot of counter-intuitive situations (especially for people coming from a more traditional RDBMS) that can only really be explained by examining the underlying technology.

Limits are a Maximum, not a Guarantee

What happens when you run the below query on the below table?

Name Enabled

CoCore Network Architecture

The CoCore architecture consists of:

  • A User (e.g. you sitting in front of your computer wanting to know the result of 4 + 9).
  • A Control Server owned by CoCore.
  • One or more Worker servers that may have shared tenancy (e.g. Contoso Inc. isn't using all of the resources on their file server and leases the spare compute time to CoCore).

A successful request flows through the CoCore architecture roughly as follows:

.datepicker-cell.selected, .datepicker-cell.selected:hover
background-color: var(--amplify-colors-brand-primary-80);
color: unset;
background-color: var(--amplify-colors-neutral-20);
I know the following things about the certificate you provided:
Host: vt03
X-SSL-DN: /C=US/ST=Vermont/L=Burlington/O=Robert Howe Client Certificate/CN=Robert Howe
X-SSL-Client-Cert: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
curl \
--insecure \
--cert client.pem \
server {
listen 443;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/certs/server.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/certs/server.key;
ssl_client_certificate /etc/nginx/certs/ca.crt;
ssl_verify_client on;
#!/usr/bin/env python
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def home():
return 'Hello, world!\n'
bsub -J 'primes[2-100]' './ $LSB_JOBINDEX > primes/$LSB_JOBINDEX.txt'
mkdir primes
for i in $(seq 2 100); do
bsub -o /dev/null -e /dev/null "./ $i > primes/$i.txt"
# Check that all jobs are finished with `bjobs`, then run
cat primes/*.txt | sort
git clone git clone git://
cd openlava
sudo checkinstall