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Created August 15, 2023 02:12
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analyze NDVI
# Extract Year and Month
fireNDVI['Year'] = fireNDVI.Date.str.split(pat='-',expand=True)[0]
fireNDVI['Month'] = fireNDVI.Date.str.split(pat='-',expand=True)[1]
# filter to June, July, August
fireNDVI = fireNDVI[fireNDVI.Month.isin(['06','07','08'])]
# find average of 3 months for 2021 for object id
# then find average of 3 months for 2022 for object id
# subtract 2022-2021
# low numbers indicate loss of vegetation
# find bottom five lowest
# calculate average NDVI for each ObjectID for 2021
fireNDVI2021 = fireNDVI[fireNDVI.Year=='2021']
fireNDVI2021_mean = fireNDVI2021.groupby('OBJECTID')['NDVI'].agg('mean')
# calculate average NDVI for each ObjectID for 2022
fireNDVI2022 = fireNDVI[fireNDVI.Year=='2022']
fireNDVI2022_mean = fireNDVI2022.groupby('OBJECTID')['NDVI'].agg('mean')
# re-combine the 2021 and 2022 dataframes horizontally
fire_mean_2021_2022 = pd.concat([fireNDVI2021_mean,fireNDVI2022_mean],axis=1)
fire_mean_2021_2022.columns.values[0] = 'NDVI 2021'
fire_mean_2021_2022.columns.values[1] = 'NDVI 2022'
# subtract 2022-2021 to find difference
fire_mean_2021_2022['difference'] = fire_mean_2021_2022['NDVI 2022'] - fire_mean_2021_2022['NDVI 2021']
fire_mean_2021_2022 = fire_mean_2021_2022.reset_index()
# Merge the WFIGS dataframe (gdf) with the NDVI data (fire_mean_2021_2022)
ndvi_wfigs_fires = gdf.merge(fire_mean_2021_2022, on='OBJECTID')
# filter to fires over 1000 acres in size
fires_over_1000_acres = ndvi_wfigs_fires[ndvi_wfigs_fires['poly_GISAcres']> 1000]
# sort by difference ascending to find smallest values (largest decreas in vegetation)
fires_over_1000_acres = fires_over_1000_acres.sort_values(by='difference', ascending=True)
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