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Created August 17, 2017 04:58
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Batch download country information cards from the Spanish Government website.
# Fail fast
set -eox pipefail
# Download PDFs
curl -sSL '' | tr '"' \\n | egrep http | egrep .pdf | sort -u | xargs -n1 -P4 curl -sLO --compressed
# Only print urls and last update date
for pdf in $(curl -sSL '' \
| egrep -v marcadoresJSON \
| tr '"><' \\n \
| sed 's:</span>::' \
| egrep 'pais.pdf|PAIS.pdf|\d\d/\d\d/20\d\d' \
| tr \\n ' ' \
| tr ':' \\n \
| egrep -o 'www.*? [0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/20[0-9][0-9]' \
| tr ' ' '-')
echo $pdf | sed 's:\-: Última modificación => :'
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