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Created October 29, 2012 19:35
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Save rbdone/3975991 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Converts polygon xml from KML files to BingMaps 7.0 Polygon objects
var bingKmlParser = function() {
// private variables
var _styles = {};
var _styleMap = {};
// private methods
function _parsePolygons(placemarkXml) {
var vertices;
$(placemarkXml).find('Polygon').find('coordinates').each(function(index, coordinates) {
vertices = _parseVertices(;
var colorName = $(placemarkXml).find('styleUrl').contents()[0].data.substr(1);;
var polygonOptions = _styleMap[colorName];
var polygon = new Microsoft.Maps.Polygon(vertices, polygonOptions);
return polygon;
function _parseVertices(coordinateString) {
coordinateString = $.trim(coordinateString);
var coordinates = coordinateString.split(' ');
var msLocations = [];
for (i=0; i<coordinates.length; i++) {
var coordinate = coordinates[i];
var xyz = coordinate.split(',');
var location = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(xyz[1],xyz[0],xyz[2]);
return msLocations;
* Parse a KML color string that comes as a abgr hex string.
* @param kmlColorString An abgr hex string
* @return {Microsoft.Maps.Color}
* @private
function _parseColor(kmlColorString) {
// Our KML files have color strings as hex in abgr order. Here we swap them to argb order.
var hexArray = [kmlColorString.charAt(0) + kmlColorString.charAt(1),
kmlColorString.charAt(6) + kmlColorString.charAt(7),
kmlColorString.charAt(4) + kmlColorString.charAt(5),
kmlColorString.charAt(2) + kmlColorString.charAt(3)];
var argbArray = [];
for (i=0; i<hexArray.length; i++) {
argbArray.push(parseInt(hexArray[i], 16));
return new Microsoft.Maps.Color(argbArray[0], argbArray[1], argbArray[2], argbArray[3]);
* Create a map of style names to styles (PolygonOptions -
* @param kmlXml
* @return {Object} a map of <String, PolygonOptions>
* @private
function _parseStyles(kmlXml) {
$(kmlXml).find('Style').each(function(index, styleXml) {
var styleId = $(styleXml).attr('id');
var msPolygonOptions = {};
if ($(styleXml).find('PolyStyle').length > 0) {
msPolygonOptions.fillColor = _parseColor($(styleXml).find('PolyStyle').find('color').contents()[0].data);
msPolygonOptions.strokeColor = _parseColor($(styleXml).find('LineStyle').find('color').contents()[0].data);
msPolygonOptions.strokeThickness = parseInt($(styleXml).find('LineStyle').find('width').contents()[0].data);
_styles[styleId] = msPolygonOptions;
$(kmlXml).find('StyleMap').each(function(index, styleMapXml) {
var styleMapId = $(styleMapXml).attr('id');
var mappedStyle = $(styleMapXml).find('styleUrl').contents()[0].data.substr(1);
_styleMap[styleMapId] = _styles[mappedStyle];
* public functions that are available using this object.
var _public = {
parsePolygons: function(kmlXml) {
var polygons = [];
$(kmlXml).find('Placemark').each(function(index, placemarkXml) {
return polygons;
return _public;
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Thanks for this Ryan, do you know if this works for IE9 and above? I'm using IE11 and I'm getting errors inside this function:

BingKmlParser.prototype.parseStyles = function (kmlDom) {}

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