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Created October 1, 2019 05:37
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// The type of the transducer function happens to resemble the folding function
// you would normally pass to `foldLeft` or `foldRight`. Here's an example
// using the following:
// {{{
// val xs = List("1", "2", "3")
// scala> xs.foldLeft
// override def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, String) => B): B
// }}}
// The type of `op` is exactly that of the type `RF` - what a coincidence !
// When you look at the example usage of the transducers, you will notice that
// the value of `z` is 0 which means `op` is really (Int, String) => Int and
// this coincides with
// {{{
// scala> parseInt ∘ repeat ∘ twice
// res10: Transducer[Int,String] = Transducer$$anon$2@54baa9be
// because its really just (R, Int) => R ∘ (R, String) => R
// }}}
object Transducer {
type RF[R, -A] = (R, A) => R
def apply[A,B](f: A => B) =
new Transducer[B,A] {
def apply[R](rf : RF[R, B]) = (r, a) => rf(r, f(a)) // this is similar to the `map` function
import Transducer.RF
// Conceptually, the `apply` is a transformation function which takes a
// reduction function and transforms its value of type `A` to `B` i.e.
// (R, A) => R <+> (R, B) => R where <+> is my notation for transformation.
//`that` is of type (R, Z) => R <+> (R, A) => R
// `rf` is of type (R, Z) => R which means (that(rf)) : (R, A) => R
// and self(that(rf)) : (R, B) => R because "self" refers to the smart
// constructor of type (R, A) => R
trait Transducer[A,B] { self =>
// the map function is not defined yet but you know its going to be there
// because there needs to be a function that transforms A => B.
def apply[R](rf : RF[R, A]) : RF[R, B]
// compose-function
def [Z](that: Transducer[Z, A]) =
new Transducer[Z, B] {
def apply[R](rf: RF[R, Z]) = self(that(rf))
object Test extends App {
val parseInt = Transducer((s: String) => s.toInt)
val twice = Transducer((i: Int) => i * 2)
* scala> Test.main(Array())
* Incoming => 1, 0, 2
* Incoming => 2, 4, 8
* Incoming => 3, 12, 18
* */
def repeat[A] =
new Transducer[A,A] {
def apply[R](rf: RF[R,A]) = (r, a) => {
println(s"Incoming => $a, $r, ${rf(r, a)}")
rf(rf(r, a), a)
val xs = List("1", "2", "3")
// val result =
// xs.foldLeft(0)(parseInt(_ + _))
// println(result)
val result2 =
xs.foldLeft(0)((parseInt ∘ repeat ∘ twice)(_ + _))
* Here's how we can achieve the equivalent using Functors
* in Cats
* scala> val parseInt = Functor[Id].lift((s: String) => s.toInt)
* parseInt: cats.Id[String] => cats.Id[Int] = $$Lambda$2281/1768175008@4c68b72d
* scala> val twice = Functor[Id].lift((x:Int) => x * 2)
* twice: cats.Id[Int] => cats.Id[Int] = $$Lambda$2291/478942543@5f670485
* scala> xs.foldLeft(0)((acc,e) => acc + twice.compose(parseInt)(e))
* res10: Int = 12
* scala> xs.foldLeft(0)((acc,e) => acc + twice.compose(twice.compose(parseInt))(e))
* res11: Int = 24
// Comparing to both approaches, the transducers abstraction does have its
// beauty w.r.t 2 things:
// (a) the reducing function in transducers is more readable, by how much?
// depends on the reader.
// (b) transducers is generic
// (c) the machinery of the reduction can be tested
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