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Last active April 26, 2019 08:37
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C++ Caeser Cipher - CSC 101 - University of Southern Mississippi
* Author: Raymond Pittman
* University of Southern Mississippi
* Caeser Cipher
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
encrypt(std::string& s)
std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(),
[](unsigned char c) -> unsigned char {
return int(std::toupper(c)+3-65)%26+65;
return s;
decrypt(std::string& s)
std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(),
[](unsigned char c) -> unsigned char {
return int(std::toupper(c)-3-65)%26+65;
return std::string(s);
std::string A = "ABC"; // Before
std::cout << "Before -> " << A << std::endl;
encrypt(A); // Encrypted
std::cout << "Encrypted -> " << A << std::endl;
decrypt(A); // Decrypted
std::cout << "Decrypted -> " << A << std::endl;
// Go Version
package main
func cipher(text string, direction int) string {
shift, offset := rune(3), rune(26)
runes := []rune(text)
for index, char := range runes {
switch direction {
case -1: // Encode
if char >= 'a'+shift && char <= 'z' ||
char >= 'A'+shift && char <= 'Z' {
char = char - shift
} else if char >= 'a' && char < 'a'+shift ||
char >= 'A' && char < 'A'+shift {
char = char - shift + offset
case +1: // Decode
if char >= 'a' && char <= 'z'-shift ||
char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z'-shift {
char = char + shift
} else if char > 'z'-shift && char <= 'z' ||
char > 'Z'-shift && char <= 'Z' {
char = char + shift - offset
runes[index] = char
return string(runes)
func encrypt(text string) string { return cipher(text, -1) }
func decrypt(text string) string { return cipher(text, +1) }
func main() {
println("Before - > ABC`")
encrypted := encrypt("ABC")
println("Encrypted -> " + encrypted)
decrypted := decrypt(encrypted)
println("Decrypted -> " + decrypted)
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