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matsui528 /
Last active December 25, 2019 07:44
Install script of caffe2 and detectron on AWS EC2 instance with Deep Learning Base AMI
# Install script of Caffe2 and Detectron on AWS EC2
# Tested environment:
# - AMI: Deep Learning Base AMI (Ubuntu) Version 6.0 - ami-ce3673b6 (CUDA is already installed)
# - Instance: p3.2xlarge (V100 * 1)
# - Caffe2:
# - Detectron:
# Usage:
# Launch a fresh EC2 instance, put this script on the /home/ubuntu/, and run the following command.
whizzzkid / XPS-15 9560 Getting Nvidia To Work on KDE Neon
Last active December 3, 2022 15:43
[XPS 15 Early 2017 9560 kabylake] Making Nvidia Drivers + (CUDA 8 / CUDA 9 / CUDA 9.1) + Bumblebee work together on linux ( Ubuntu / KDE Neon / Linux Mint / debian )
# Instructions for 4.14 and cuda 9.1
# If upgrading from 4.13 and cuda 9.0
$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove libcud*
$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove cuda*
$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove nvidia*
# also remove the container directory direcotory at /usr/local/cuda-9.0/
# Important libs required with 4.14.x with Cuda 9.X
$ sudo apt install libelf1 libelf-dev
gocarlos / Eigen Cheat sheet
Last active September 10, 2024 02:31
Cheat sheet for the linear algebra library Eigen:
// A simple quickref for Eigen. Add anything that's missing.
// Main author: Keir Mierle
#include <Eigen/Dense>
Matrix<double, 3, 3> A; // Fixed rows and cols. Same as Matrix3d.
Matrix<double, 3, Dynamic> B; // Fixed rows, dynamic cols.
Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic> C; // Full dynamic. Same as MatrixXd.
Matrix<double, 3, 3, RowMajor> E; // Row major; default is column-major.
Matrix3f P, Q, R; // 3x3 float matrix.
tanyuan / fcitx-chewing.png
Last active August 19, 2024 22:42
Ubuntu: fcitx + chewing 新酷音輸入法
wangruohui / Install NVIDIA Driver and
Last active September 15, 2024 18:49
Install NVIDIA Driver and CUDA on Ubuntu / CentOS / Fedora Linux OS