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Created February 12, 2022 15:55
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// Package letterbag provides operations on bags of letters.
package letterbag
import "errors"
// This implementation trades off perfect accuracy for speed and space. For a
// more straightforward version substitute `type Bag [26]int` and adjust
// accordingly.
// Below the 'a' to 'z' alphabet is represented by 26 prime numbers. Words are
// mapped to integers modulo 1<<64 by multiplying their letter values together.
// As multiplication is commutative (a*b == b*a), the result is independent of
// the order of the letters in the word. It acts like a bag of letters.
// Letters can be added to the bag by multiplying a new letter's value, and
// removed by dividing. Factoring retrieves the individual letters.
// As for accuracy, log base 103 of 1<<64 is > 9, so all words below ten letters
// can fit without rollover. The space is sparse so the odds of a collision are
// low, but non-zero.
type Bag uint64
const Empty = Bag(1)
// The prime alphabet starts with 3 as 2 is not coprime with the author's
// computer. ie, there is no integer we can multiply against 2 to get a
// residue of 1 (because multiplying by 2 is the same as << 1). Leaving 2
// out guarantees that each valid Bag will have a modular inverse.
// I never claimed this wasn't tricky.
var alphabet = []Bag{
3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43,
47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103,
// NewBag returns a bag containing the letters in s.
func NewBag(s string) Bag {
return Empty.Insert(s)
// Insert adds all English lowercase letters in s into the Bag.
func (b Bag) Insert(s string) Bag {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
r := s[i]
if r >= 'a' && r <= 'z' {
b *= alphabet[r-'a']
return b
// Add returns a new bag containing b and other combined.
func (b Bag) Add(other Bag) Bag {
return b * other
// Subtract letters in bag c from b. If c contains letters not in b, the result is
// undefined.
func (b Bag) Subtract(c Bag) Bag {
// Instead of returning b/c, we multiply b by the modular inverse of c. This
// allows us to handle cases where one or both Bags have rolled over. On the
// downside, this means we're multiplying to divide, to subtract.
i := modularInverse(uint64(c))
return b * Bag(i) // Which is the same as b.Add(i).
// modularInverse returns a value x such that (c*x) mod (1<<64) = 1.
func modularInverse(c uint64) uint64 {
// Use Newton's method to find a zero of f(x) = 1/x - c. Each round doubles
// the accuracy. Taking the bottom three bits as a word, each valid state is
// its own inverse: (1*1, 3*3, 5*5, 7*7) mod 8 = (1, 1, 1, 1). Therefore
// starting with c as our initial guess gives 3+ bits of accuracy.
// For discussion why Newton's method is valid in modular arithmetic and a
// faster algorithm see and
x := c // 3 bits of accuracy
x *= 2 - x*c // doubled to 6
x *= 2 - x*c // 12
x *= 2 - x*c // 24
x *= 2 - x*c // 48
x *= 2 - x*c // 96
return x
// String attempts to convert a bag of letters to a string in alphabetical
// order. If the bag contains unknown letters or overflowed, "?" is returned.
func (composite Bag) String() string {
var s string
for i := 0; i < 26 && composite > 1; {
p := alphabet[i]
if composite%p == 0 {
s += string(rune('a' + i))
composite /= p
} else {
i++ // check the next prime
if composite > 1 {
return "?"
return s
func CodeReview() error {
return errors.New("too much magic")
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