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Forked from sente/
Created October 10, 2013 11:04
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A small function that walks over pretty much any Python object and yields the
objects contained within (if any) along with the path to reach them. I wrote it
and am using it to validate a deserialized data-structure, but you can probably
use it for many things.
Example use: In one configuration mechanism I implemented, there exists an
UNCONFIGURED sentinel that marks configuration items that are required but
aren't set. If a loaded configuration has unconfigured items in it, it's
considered invalid. I used objwalk to recursively traverse the configuration
object and possibly raise an exception telling where in the configuration were
unconfigured elements found.
from collections import Mapping, Set, Sequence
from six import string_types, iteritems
except ImportError:
string_types = (str, unicode) if str is bytes else (str, bytes)
iteritems = lambda mapping: getattr(mapping, 'iteritems', mapping.items)()
def objwalk(obj, path=(), memo=None):
if memo is None:
memo = set()
if isinstance(obj, Mapping):
if id(obj) not in memo:
for key, value in iteritems(obj):
for child in objwalk(value, path + (key,), memo):
yield child
elif isinstance(obj, (Sequence, Set)) and not isinstance(obj, string_types):
if id(obj) not in memo:
for index, value in enumerate(obj):
for child in objwalk(value, path + (index,), memo):
yield child
yield path, obj
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