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Created February 10, 2018 17:58
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(ns spy.core)
(defn- get-hostname []
(.. getLocalHost getHostName))
(def debug?
(delay (or (= "dev" (System/getProperty "nomad.env"))
(= (get-hostname) "sky"))))
(defonce spy-data (atom {#_ns #_{form {line data}}}))
#_(reset! spy-data {})
(defn find-form
[data form seek-line]
;; If form is nil, we seek the closest line
;; If form is given, we seek for the closest which have the given form
(let [filt (if (some? form) #(= % form) (constantly true))
[form line]
(fn [[found-form found-line] form line->data]
(fn [[curr-form curr-line] line-candidate _]
(if (and (filt form) ;; We have a match: See if it's closer than prev match
(< (Math/abs ^long (- seek-line line-candidate))
(Math/abs ^long (- curr-line line-candidate))))
[form line-candidate]
[curr-form curr-line]))
[found-form found-line] line->data))
[form 0] data)]
(get-in data [form line])))
(defmacro spy
"Always gets run. Maybe with spying, maybe not.
Returns the result of the last argumennt"
[& forms]
(if @debug?
(let [line (:line (meta &form))
local-bindings (set (keys &env))
ns *ns*]
(if (and (some? forms)
(not (empty? local-bindings)))
`(let [res# (do ~@forms)]
(swap! spy-data assoc-in [~ns (quote ~forms) ~line] res#)
`(find-form (get (deref spy-data) ~ns) (quote ~forms) ~line)))
`(do ~@forms)))
(defmacro spyo
"Does NOT emit forms unless debug is true."
[& forms]
(when @debug?
(let [line (:line (meta &form))
local-bindings (set (keys &env))
ns *ns*]
(if (and (some? forms)
(not (empty? local-bindings)))
`(let [res# (do ~@forms)]
(swap! spy-data assoc-in [~ns (quote ~forms) ~line] res#)
`(find-form (get (deref spy-data) ~ns) (quote ~forms) ~line)))))
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rauhs commented Feb 10, 2018

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