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Created October 2, 2022 21:59
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import rasterio
from rasterio import features
from import MemoryFile
import math
import geopandas as gpd
import os
w = 400
h = 400
zoom = 8
lat = -19.361500892883598
lng = -68.16004416617324
png_path = "path/to/png/mask"
output_path = "output/directory"
def getPointLatLng(x, y):
parallelMultiplier = math.cos(lat * math.pi / 180)
degreesPerPixelX = 360 / math.pow(2, zoom + 8)
degreesPerPixelY = 360 / math.pow(2, zoom + 8) * parallelMultiplier
pointLat = lat - degreesPerPixelY * ( y - h / 2)
pointLng = lng + degreesPerPixelX * ( x - w / 2)
return (pointLat, pointLng)
def getImgBounds():
# Assuming that widht and heights are the same
N, E = getPointLatLng(w, 0)
S, W = getPointLatLng(0, h)
N, W = getPointLatLng(0, 0)
S, E = getPointLatLng(w, h)
return [W, S, E, N]
def getGeoTiff(png_path, output_path):
bounds = getImgBounds()
dataset =
bands = [1]
data =
transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], data.shape[1], data.shape[2])
crs ={"init": "epsg:4326"}) # 3857 Google Maps Projection 4326 World wide (3D)
with, "salt_flat.tiff"), 'w', driver='GTiff',
width=data.shape[1], height=data.shape[2],
count=3, dtype=data.dtype, nodata=0,
transform=transform, crs=crs) as dst:
dst.write(data, indexes=bands)
def getGeojson():
# Store the mask coordinates into a geojson file
bounds = getImgBounds()
dataset =
bands = [1]
data =
transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], data.shape[1], data.shape[2])
crs ={"init": "epsg:4326"}) # 3857 Google Maps Projection 4326 World wide (3D)
with MemoryFile() as memfile:
meta = {"count": 1, "width": data.shape[1], "height": data.shape[2], "transform": transform, "nodata": 0, "crs": crs, "dtype":data.dtype}
with'GTiff', **meta) as dataset:
mask = band!= 0
shapes = features.shapes(band, mask=mask, transform=transform)
fc = ({"geometry": shape, "properties": {"value": value}} for shape, value in shapes)
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(fc) #.to_file(os.path.join(self.output_path, f'm_{}_{self.lng}.geojson'), driver='GeoJSON') = "epsg:4326"
return gdf
getGeoTiff(png_path, output_path)
gdf = getGeojson()
gdf.to_file(os.path.join(output_path, f'salt_flat.geojson'), driver='GeoJSON')
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