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Last active April 23, 2022 06:29
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Extension methods for MonoBehaviour that make it easy to schedule a block of code at a given time in Unity
// Runs the block of code at the end of the 10th FixedUpdate from now
myScript.InFixedUpdates(10, delegate
namespace RareSloth
public static class MonoBehaviourExtensions
// Runs the Callback at the end of the current frame, after GUI rendering
public static Coroutine OnEndOfFrame(this MonoBehaviour self, UnityAction Callback)
return self.StartCoroutine(EndOfFrameCoroutine(Callback));
static IEnumerator EndOfFrameCoroutine(UnityAction Callback)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// Runs the Callback after the next Update completes
public static Coroutine OnUpdate(this MonoBehaviour self, UnityAction Callback)
return self.InUpdates(1, Callback);
// Runs the Callback after a given number of Updates complete
public static Coroutine InUpdates(this MonoBehaviour self, int updates, UnityAction Callback)
return self.StartCoroutine(InUpdatesCoroutine(updates, Callback));
static IEnumerator InUpdatesCoroutine(int updates, UnityAction Callback)
for (int i = 0; i < updates; i++)
yield return null;
// Runs the Callback after the next FixedUpdate completes
public static Coroutine OnFixedUpdate(this MonoBehaviour self, UnityAction Callback)
return self.InFixedUpdates(1, Callback);
// Runs the Callback after a given number of FixedUpdates complete
public static Coroutine InFixedUpdates(this MonoBehaviour self, int ticks, UnityAction Callback)
return self.StartCoroutine(InFixedUpdatesCoroutine(ticks, Callback));
static IEnumerator InFixedUpdatesCoroutine(int ticks, UnityAction Callback)
for (int i = 0; i < ticks; i++)
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
// Runs the Callback after a given number of seconds, after the Update completes
public static Coroutine InSeconds(this MonoBehaviour self, float seconds, UnityAction Callback)
return self.StartCoroutine(InSecondsCoroutine(seconds, Callback));
static IEnumerator InSecondsCoroutine(float seconds, UnityAction Callback)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds);
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