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cxjava /
Created June 23, 2020 03:56 — forked from wildrun0/
Compiling ffmpeg for Raspberry Pi 4
# Note that there's no libdrm because this lib cause errors
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt-get -y install \
autoconf \
automake \
build-essential \
cxjava /
Created April 19, 2020 12:55
Compile ffmpeg on 32-bit Raspberry Pi 4
# Compile ffmpeg on 32-bit Raspberry Pi 4
# Usage
# =====
# ./
# or
# curl -L "" | bash
martinsohn /
Last active April 17, 2024 13:55 — forked from bsodmike/
HOWTO Ubiquity EdgeMAX Ad & Malware Blocking Content Filtering using EdgeRouter as dnsmasq server

Ubiquity EdgeMAX Ad & Malware Blocking Content Filtering using EdgeRouter

NB: I am not using this setup anymore, and will not update the config and code if it breaks. I recommend Pi-hole instead, which gives many features such as web UI, statistics, DNS-over-HTTPS, and definitely better written code ;)

This will show you how to use your EdgeRouter as a local DNS server and blocking DNS queries to domains that hosts ads and malware.

The blocklist used is:

Spencatro /
Last active March 20, 2023 11:09
Choosing the last clickData event from a list of graphs in dash

I've been working with dash a bit lately, and let me tell you: this tool is incredible. I won't spend too long gushing about it, but definitely check it out if you ever need to draw graphs, but don't want to have to learn a million javascript graphing libraries to get it done. This gist will assume you have a decent base knowledge of dash, so if you don't have much experience, you probably will want to go play around with it some.

While composing various interactive graphs, I found that I needed a way to use clickData events from multiple graphs as inputs to a callback, so that when a user clicked on any of three graphs, some other graph could redraw using a subset of data from whichever graph was clicked. This starts out sounding like a pretty

Faheetah / Jenkinsfile.groovy
Last active September 19, 2024 03:12
Jenkinsfile idiosynchrasies with escaping and quotes
node {
echo 'Results included as an inline comment exactly how they are returned as of Jenkins 2.121, with $BUILD_NUMBER = 1'
echo 'No quotes, pipeline command in single quotes'
sh 'echo $BUILD_NUMBER' // 1
echo 'Double quotes are silently dropped'
sh 'echo "$BUILD_NUMBER"' // 1
echo 'Even escaped with a single backslash they are dropped'
sh 'echo \"$BUILD_NUMBER\"' // 1
echo 'Using two backslashes, the quotes are preserved'
sh 'echo \\"$BUILD_NUMBER\\"' // "1"
lmarkus / README.MD
Last active September 12, 2024 16:54
Extracting / Exporting custom emoji from Slack

Extracting Emoji From Slack!

Slack doesn't provide an easy way to extract custom emoji from a team. (Especially teams with thousands of custom emoji) This Gist walks you through a relatively simple approach to get your emoji out.

If you're an admin of your own team, you can get the list of emoji directly using this API: Once you have it, skip to Step 3

HOWEVER! This gist is intended for people who don't have admin access, nor access tokens for using that list.

Follow along...

def fuzzyfinder(p, l):
return map(lambda t: t[0], sorted(filter(lambda t: all(map(lambda x: x != -1, t[1])), map(lambda s: (s,map(s.find, p)), l)), key=lambda t: t[1]))
guykisel / .bashrc
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
export PATH=~/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
# virtualenv config
export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/
export PS1='[\u@mbp \w$(__git_ps1)]\$ '
acdha /
Created July 23, 2013 17:16
Connecting with paramiko using the user's OpenSSH config
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
client._policy = paramiko.WarningPolicy()
ssh_config = paramiko.SSHConfig()
user_config_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/config")
if os.path.exists(user_config_file):
with open(user_config_file) as f:
spicycode / tmux.conf
Created September 20, 2011 16:43
The best and greatest tmux.conf ever
# 0 is too far from ` ;)
set -g base-index 1
# Automatically set window title
set-window-option -g automatic-rename on
set-option -g set-titles on
#set -g default-terminal screen-256color
set -g status-keys vi
set -g history-limit 10000