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Last active September 10, 2024 03:44
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Setup homebrew

Install homebrew

Refer to the installation instruction provided on the homepage.

NOTE: Once the installation script is done, it will display "Next steps". Follow them to complete the configuration.


$ brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
$ brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
$ brew tap aws/tap

Install packages using homebrew

Basic command-line packages
GUI packages
$ brew install --cask \
    amethyst \
    android-ndk \
    android-studio \
    another-redis-desktop-manager \
    blender \
    bloomrpc \
    burp-suite \
    dbeaver-community \
    docker \
    dotnet-sdk \
    drawio \
    google-chrome \
    google-drive \
    gpg-suite \
    graalvm/tap/graalvm-community-jdk17 \
    graalvm/tap/graalvm-community-jdk21 \
    firefox \
    font-jetbrains-mono \
    inkscape \
    intellij-idea \
    iterm2 \
    jprofiler \
    kui \
    maccy \
    mactex \
    macvim \
    meld \
    microsoft-remote-desktop \
    obs \
    pdfsam-basic \
    postman \
    pycharm-ce \
    scenebuilder \
    signal \
    slack \
    spotify \
    syncthing \
    temurin@21 \
    temurin@17 \
    temurin@11 \
    visual-studio-code \
    visualvm \
    vlc \
    wireshark \
Programming packages
$ brew install \
    7zip \
    argocd \
    argoproj/tap/kubectl-argo-rollouts \
    avro-tools \
    aws-iam-authenticator \
    awscli \
    bandwhich \
    bash \
    bat \
    bazel \
    bpython \
    broot \
    bruno \
    bufbuild/buf/buf \
    clang-format \
    cmake \
    colima \
    coreutils \
    ctags \
    direnv \
    dive \
    docker \
    docker-compose \
    docker-credential-helper-ecr \
    duckdb \
    dust \
    ec2-instance-selector \
    eksctl \
    fd \
    fx \
    fzf \
    ghc \
    git \
    git-delta \
    gitlab-ci-local \
    gnupg \
    go \
    gping \
    graphviz \
    grex \
    groovy \
    grpcui \
    hatch \
    helm \
    helmfile \
    httpie \
    hugo \
    jbang \
    jq \
    k9s \
    kcat \
    kind \
    kotlin \
    kubectl \
    llvm \
    make \
    mycli \
    navi \
    ncdu \
    netcat \
    nmap \
    orc-tools \
    pandoc \
    pgcli \
    pre-commit \
    procs \
    protobuf \
    qpdf \
    quarkusio/tap/quarkus \
    redis \
    ripgrep \
    rust \
    rustup \
    sbt \
    scala \
    semgrep \
    shellcheck \
    shellharden \
    sk \
    sqlfluff \
    starship \
    telnet \
    tmux \
    tree \
    urlview \
    watch \
    yarn \
    yq \
    zellij \
    zoxide \
    zsh \
    zsh-autosuggestions \
Programming Packages - Build From Source
$ brew install libpq --build-from-source
Miscellaneous packages

Oh My Zsh

Refer to the installation instruction provided on the homepage.



Enable jenv plugins

$ jenv enable-plugin export
$ jenv enable-plugin gradle
$ jenv enable-plugin maven

Add JDKs to jenv

$ jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-21.jdk/Contents/Home/
$ jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-17.jdk/Contents/Home/
$ jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-11.jdk/Contents/Home/

kubectl plugins

$ kubectl krew install \
    ctx \
    deprecations \
    example \
    get-all \
    neat \
    ns \

List of all available plugins:

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