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Created October 31, 2014 04:10
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Angular factory to show either Cordova Toast plugin or a self-closing Ionic popup, so that you can develop with Toast on web and on device
// Requires the Toast plugin:
// And Ionic Framework:
// ngCordova is used here, but easily removed:
// When running in Cordova, show the native toast. Outside of Cordova, show an Ionic Popup for the same period of time.
// Uses the API for the Toast plugin - message, duration, position.
// Differences are that: Ionic Popup ignores position, and doesn't allow doing anything while it shows.
.factory('Toast', function($rootScope, $timeout, $ionicPopup, $cordovaToast) {
return {
show: function (message, duration, position) {
message = message || "There was a problem...";
duration = duration || 'short';
position = position || 'top';
if (!!window.cordova) {
// Use the Cordova Toast plugin
$, duration, position);
else {
if (duration == 'short') {
duration = 2000;
else {
duration = 5000;
var myPopup = ${
template: "<div class='toast'>" + message + "</div>",
scope: $rootScope,
buttons: []
$timeout(function() {
}, duration);
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Awesome man! 😀

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gracias amigo

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henry74 commented Apr 18, 2015

Thanks - this was perfect!

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gau4sar commented Jun 20, 2015

Hi rajat i am new to angular can you please share a codepen/plunker here and show how to call this inside the controller, i have done all the injection but inside a function of the controller how do i call it as when i use $scope.Toast() it says its not a function, when i use $Toast it shows some other error.

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I was been searching for a toast notification plugin for my project. I have created a bower component for toast. Please have a look at the bower component i have created. I think it might help you.

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Cute little code snippet... Thanks....

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I think the actual popup from ionic looks better if you user subTitle instead of template.

    var myPopup = ${
      subtitle: message,
      scope: $rootScope,
      buttons: []

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I used the $ionicLoading, it don't needs close.

${template: message, noBackdrop: true, duration: duration});


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