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Created May 22, 2020 19:04
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UFG Hackathon example reporter code
# Note: This is just an example in Ruby. This shows how to print and also how to call that method.
# Feel free to change it to your language and framework needs
# Execute example: $ rspec hackathon.rb -f documentation
require 'rspec'
# A Helper to print the test result in the following format:
# Task: <Task Number>, Test Name: <Test Name>, DOM Id:: <id>, Browser: <Browser>, Viewport: <Width x Height>, Device<Device type>, Status: <Pass | Fail>
# Example: Task: 1, Test Name: Search field is displayed, DOM Id: DIV__customsear__41, Browser: Chrome, Viewport: 1200 x 700, Device: Laptop, Status: Pass
# @param task int - 1, 2 or 3
# @param test_name. string - Something meaningful. E.g. 1.1 Search field is displayed
# @param dom_id string - DOM ID of the element
# @param comparison_result boolean - The result of comparing the "Expected" value and the "Actual" value.
# @return boolean - returns the same comparison result back so that it can be used for further Assertions in the test code.
# Get the browser, viewport and device info from a variable like below or from a file or environment variable.
BROWSER = "Firefox"
VIEWPORT = "1200X700"
DEVICE = "Laptop"
def hackathon_report(task, test_name, dom_id, comparison_result)"raditional-V1-TestResults.txt", "a") do |file|
comparison_result ? status = 'passed' : status = 'failed'
report_content = "Task: #{task}, Test Name: #{test_name}, DOM Id: #{dom_id}, Viewport: #{VIEWPORT}, Device: #{DEVICE}, Status: #{status}"
# returns the result so that it can be used for further Assertions in the test code.
describe 'Testing without Visual Testing' do
context 'Test Sample' do
search_field = "DIV__customsear__41"
search_icon = "DIV__customsear__42"
it { expect(hackathon_report(1, "Search field is displayed", search_field, false)).to eq true }
it { expect(hackathon_report(2, "Search icon is displayed", search_icon, true)).to eq true }
# This is a real example below of how you would use this. The comparison_result param is where you'll place the object you want to assert it's visual attribute.
# It's marked as xit to skip for now.
xit { expect(hackathon_report(2, "Search icon is displayed", search_icon, driver.find_element(:css, search_icon).displayed?)).to eq true }
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