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learning something new!

Raí Siqueira raisiqueira

learning something new!
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0xOsprey / Prompt.txt
Created May 12, 2024 23:32
Raycast Executive Summary Prompt
Given the following text:
Please provide a summary of the writing post [title/link] in approximately 300-500 words.
The summary should cover the following:
1. Main topic/subject of the blog post.
2. Key points and important context discussed in the post.
3. Significant takeaways, insights, or conclusions drawn by the author.
4. Any relevant data, statistics, or examples cited to support the main arguments.
5. The conclusion, nuance or importance of newly introduced concepts or conclusions arrived upon by the author. The summary should be well-structured, concise, and written in a clear and objective style. Please avoid verbatim quotes from the original text unless they are particularly impactful or necessary for context. The goal is to capture the essence of the blog post in a way that someone who hasn't read it can quickly understand the key ideas and arguments presented.
1Marc / reactive.js
Last active September 22, 2024 19:36
Vanilla Reactive System
// Credit Ryan Carniato
let context = [];
export function untrack(fn) {
const prevContext = context;
context = [];
const res = fn();
context = prevContext;
return res;
marvinhagemeister / bind-plugin.ts
Last active July 10, 2024 08:09
Preact Signals `bind:value`
import { options } from "preact";
import { Signal } from "@preact/signals";
// Add `bind:value` to JSX types
declare global {
namespace preact.createElement.JSX {
interface HTMLAttributes {
"bind:value"?: Signal<string | string[] | number | undefined>;
jordienr / tailwind.config.ts
Created July 15, 2023 09:10
Tailwind SVG Grid Background
// Remember to install mini-svg-data-uri
// Follow me on twitter for memes @jordienr
import { type Config } from "tailwindcss";
const {
default: flattenColorPalette,
} = require("tailwindcss/lib/util/flattenColorPalette");
const svgToDataUri = require("mini-svg-data-uri");
export default {
lacolaco / 1.ngx-reactify.tsx
Last active September 11, 2024 09:51
A React component to render a standalone Angular component (Angular v14.2 is required)
import { ApplicationRef, ComponentRef, createComponent, Type } from "@angular/core";
import { createApplication } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
type AnyComponentRef = ComponentRef<unknown>;
export type ReactifyProps = {
component: Type<unknown>;
inputs?: Record<string, unknown>;
souporserious / build.mjs
Created February 24, 2022 02:48
Build script using esbuild and ts-morph to bundle library code.
import glob from 'fast-glob'
import { build } from 'esbuild'
import { Project } from 'ts-morph'
const project = new Project({
compilerOptions: {
outDir: 'dist',
emitDeclarationOnly: true,
tsConfigFilePath: './tsconfig.json',
sibelius /
Last active August 21, 2024 01:08
Learning Path Web3
  • learn blockchain concepts
  • learn ethereum
  • learn how to use metamask
  • learn how to use hardhat (
  • learn how to deploy and interact with a smart contract
  • learn common smart contract standards like ERC20 (token), ERC721 (nft), ERC1155 (opensea)
  • learn ipfs
  • learn how to read blockchain explorers like
  • learn how to use web3 and etherjs
  • learn solidity
shanselman / ohmyposhv3-v2.json
Last active September 23, 2024 07:41
"final_space": true,
"console_title": true,
"console_title_style": "folder",
"blocks": [
"type": "prompt",
"alignment": "left",
"horizontal_offset": 0,
"vertical_offset": 0,
sibelius / FeatureFlag.tsx
Created May 6, 2020 12:33
Basic Feature Flag implementation using React.Context
import React, { useContext, useCallback } from 'react';
export const FeatureFlagContext = React.createContext<string[]>([]);
export const useFeatureFlag = () => {
const features = useContext<string[]>(FeatureFlagContext);
const hasFeature = useCallback(
(feature: string) => {
return features.includes(feature);