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Last active October 26, 2020 08:05
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Sublime Cheat Sheet

Selection and Navigation

⌘D                Multi-select
⌘K,⌘D             Skip the current match and select the next one
⌘U                Soft Undo
⌘ + Ctrl + G      Select all occurences under cursor
⌘P                Jump to files
⌘L                Select Line
⌘ + Shift + L     Convert Selection to Multi-select
⌘ + Shift + J     Select all lines at current indentation
⌘ + Shift + A     Select Inner/Outer Content in HTML
Ctrl + Shift + ↑  Block select up
Ctrl + M          Jump to matching bracket
Ctrl + G          Go to line number
⌘ + F2            Set Bookmark
F2                Next Bookmark
Shift + F2        Prev Bookmark
Ctrl + Alt + ↑    Scroll Up
o (visual mode)   Switch between beginning and end of selection


⌘ + Shift + V     Paste at current indentation level


⌘ + Shift + ]     Next tab
⌘ + Shift + [     Prev tab
⌘ + Ctrl + 1      One-column layout
⌘ + Ctrl + 2      Two-column layout


⌘ + F             Find
⌘ + G             Find again
⌘ + Shift + F     Find in files
⌘ + Alt + F       Find & Replace
⌘ + Ctrl + R      Toggle Regex (in find)
⌘ + Ctrl + W      Toggle Whole Word (in find)

Vintage Mode

Alt + w           Forward partial word (e.g. camelCase)
Alt + b           Back partial word


To see all commands printed as they are executed, open the console and run: sublime.log_commands(True)

  1. Alignment
  2. Better CoffeeScript
  3. BracketHighlighter
  4. Emmet
  5. Git
  6. GitGutter
  7. Jade
  8. JSHint Gutter
  9. Markdown Extended
  10. Monokai Extended
  11. Quick File Move
  12. Revert Font Size
  13. SCSS
  14. SideBarEnhancements
  15. Theme - Soda
<content><![CDATA[function($1) {${0:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}};]]></content>
<description>Anonymous Function</description>
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