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Mappings between fine (classes) and coarse labels (superclasses) for CIFAR100. Returns coarse2fine, fine2coarse mappings
import pprint as pp
fine_labels = [
'apple', # id 0
mapping_coarse_fine = {
'aquatic mammals': ['beaver', 'dolphin', 'otter', 'seal', 'whale'],
'fish': ['aquarium_fish', 'flatfish', 'ray', 'shark', 'trout'],
'flowers': ['orchid', 'poppy', 'rose', 'sunflower', 'tulip'],
'food containers': ['bottle', 'bowl', 'can', 'cup', 'plate'],
'fruit and vegetables': ['apple', 'mushroom', 'orange', 'pear',
'household electrical device': ['clock', 'computer_keyboard', 'lamp',
'telephone', 'television'],
'household furniture': ['bed', 'chair', 'couch', 'table', 'wardrobe'],
'insects': ['bee', 'beetle', 'butterfly', 'caterpillar', 'cockroach'],
'large carnivores': ['bear', 'leopard', 'lion', 'tiger', 'wolf'],
'large man-made outdoor things': ['bridge', 'castle', 'house', 'road',
'large natural outdoor scenes': ['cloud', 'forest', 'mountain', 'plain',
'large omnivores and herbivores': ['camel', 'cattle', 'chimpanzee',
'elephant', 'kangaroo'],
'medium-sized mammals': ['fox', 'porcupine', 'possum', 'raccoon', 'skunk'],
'non-insect invertebrates': ['crab', 'lobster', 'snail', 'spider', 'worm'],
'people': ['baby', 'boy', 'girl', 'man', 'woman'],
'reptiles': ['crocodile', 'dinosaur', 'lizard', 'snake', 'turtle'],
'small mammals': ['hamster', 'mouse', 'rabbit', 'shrew', 'squirrel'],
'trees': ['maple_tree', 'oak_tree', 'palm_tree', 'pine_tree',
'vehicles 1': ['bicycle', 'bus', 'motorcycle', 'pickup_truck', 'train'],
'vehicles 2': ['lawn_mower', 'rocket', 'streetcar', 'tank', 'tractor'],
def print_fine_labels():
for id, label in enumerate(fine_labels):
print(id, " ", label)
def new_dicts():
# fine label name -> id of fine label
fine_id = dict()
# id of fine label -> fine label name
id_fine = dict()
for id, label in enumerate(fine_labels):
fine_id[label] = id
id_fine[id] = label
# coarse label name -> id of coarse label
coarse_id = dict()
# id of coarse label -> name of the coarse label
id_coarse = dict()
# name of fine label -> name of coarse label
fine_coarse = dict()
# id of fine label -> id of coarse label
fine_id_coarse_id = dict()
# id of coarse label -> id of fine label
coarse_id_fine_id = dict()
fine_id_course_id = dict()
for id, (coarse, fines) in enumerate(mapping_coarse_fine.items()):
coarse_id[coarse] = id
id_coarse[id] = coarse
fine_labels_ids = []
for fine in fines:
fine_coarse[fine] = coarse
fine_label_id = fine_id[fine]
fine_id_coarse_id[fine_label_id] = id
fine_id_course_id[fine] = id
coarse_id_fine_id[id] = fine_labels_ids
return coarse_id_fine_id, fine_id_coarse_id
coarse2fine, fine2coarse = new_dicts()
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