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Last active February 22, 2016 14:16
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RF Missing Value Benchmark script
The shape of the dataset is (581012, 54)
The number of trees for this benchmarking is 100
Score with the entire dataset = 0.95
Score RF with the 1.82173199202 % missing = 0.94
Score RF+Imp. with the 1.82173199202 % missing = 0.95
Score RF with the 3.55273467929 % missing = 0.96
Score RF+Imp. with the 3.55273467929 % missing = 0.96
Score RF with the 5.19537302857 % missing = 0.96
Score RF+Imp. with the 5.19537302857 % missing = 0.96
Score RF with the 6.75907503408 % missing = 0.97
Score RF+Imp. with the 6.75907503408 % missing = 0.97
Score RF with the 8.24469488869 % missing = 0.97
Score RF+Imp. with the 8.24469488869 % missing = 0.97
Score RF with the 9.65472823791 % missing = 0.97
Score RF+Imp. with the 9.65472823791 % missing = 0.97
Score RF with the 10.9961424906 % missing = 0.97
Score RF+Imp. with the 10.9961424906 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 12.2712707406 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 12.2712707406 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 13.4793894739 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 13.4793894739 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 14.6313482146 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 14.6313482146 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 15.722225792 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 15.722225792 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 16.7580461779 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 16.7580461779 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 17.7444126226 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 17.7444126226 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 18.6789537846 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 18.6789537846 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 19.5694338945 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 19.5694338945 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 20.4148903918 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 20.4148903918 % missing = 0.98
Score RF with the 21.2185360613 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 21.2185360613 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 21.9800458 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 21.9800458 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 22.7055551348 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 22.7055551348 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 23.3928265904 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 23.3928265904 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 24.0459845159 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 24.0459845159 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 24.6653890746 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 24.6653890746 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 25.2552315487 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 25.2552315487 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 25.8147979859 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 25.8147979859 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 26.347275673 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 26.347275673 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 26.8534359334 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 26.8534359334 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 27.3326508715 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 27.3326508715 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 27.7895579896 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 27.7895579896 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 28.2251995305 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 28.2251995305 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 28.6352089113 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 28.6352089113 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 29.0269296408 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 29.0269296408 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 29.3992557303 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 29.3992557303 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 29.7540389935 % missing = 0.98
Score RF+Imp. with the 29.7540389935 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 30.0889495238 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 30.0889495238 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 30.4072383537 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 30.4072383537 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 30.7117740413 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 30.7117740413 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 30.9991270659 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 30.9991270659 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 31.2725134 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 31.2725134 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 31.5319171071 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 31.5319171071 % missing = 0.99
Score RF with the 31.7783836172 % missing = 0.99
Score RF+Imp. with the 31.7783836172 % missing = 0.99
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_covtype, load_digits, load_iris
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
from time import time
# dataset = load_digits()
# dataset = load_iris()
dataset = fetch_covtype()
X, y =,
# Take only 2 classes
# mask = y < 3
# mask = (y == 1) | (y == 2)
# X = X[mask]
# y = y[mask]
# plt.hist(y)
# X, y = X[::20].copy(), y[::20].copy()
X, y = X[::2].copy(), y[::2].copy()
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
n_estimators = 100
n_jobs = -1
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_iter=3, test_size=0.3, random_state=rng)
print "The shape of the dataset is %s" % str(X.shape)
print "The number of trees for this benchmarking is %s" % n_estimators
start = time()
# Estimate the score on the entire dataset, with no missing values
estimator = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0, n_estimators=n_estimators,
missing_values=None, n_jobs=n_jobs)
score = cross_val_score(estimator, X, y, cv=cv).mean()
end = time()
print "Score with the entire dataset = %.2f in %d seconds" % (score, end - start)
baseline_score = score
scores_missing = []
scores_impute = []
rf_missing = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0, n_estimators=n_estimators,
missing_values='NaN', n_jobs=n_jobs)
rf_impute = Pipeline([("imputer", Imputer(missing_values='NaN',
strategy="median", axis=0)),
("forest", RandomForestClassifier(
missing_fraction_range = []
missing_mask = np.zeros(X.shape, dtype=bool)
X_missing = X.copy()
X_missing_feat_min = X.copy()
for _ in range(70):
rv = rng.randn(*X.shape)
thresh = np.sort(rv.ravel())[int(0.05 * n_samples * n_features)]
missing_mask += rv < thresh
missing_mask[y!=2] = False # Features should go missing only for y=1
missing_fraction = np.mean(missing_mask)
X_missing[missing_mask] = np.nan
train, test = iter(cv.split(X, y)).next()
# print(len(train), len(test))
# score_missing =[train], y[train]).score(X[test], y[test])
# score_impute =[train], y[train]).score(X[test], y[test])
start = time()
score_missing = cross_val_score(rf_missing, X_missing, y, cv=cv).mean()
end = time()
print ("Score RF with the %s %% missing = %.2f in %d seconds"
% (missing_fraction*100, score_missing, end - start))
start = time()
score_impute = cross_val_score(rf_impute, X_missing, y, cv=cv).mean()
end = time()
print ("Score RF+Imp. with the %s %% missing = %.2f in %d seconds"
% (missing_fraction*100, score_impute, end - start))'scores_missing.npy', scores_missing)'scores_impute.npy', scores_impute)'missing_fraction_range.npy', missing_fraction_range)'baseline_score.npy', baseline_score)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
baseline_score = np.load('baseline_score.npy')
missing_fraction_range = np.load('missing_fraction_range.npy')
scores_missing = np.load('scores_missing.npy')
scores_impute = np.load('scores_impute.npy')
plt.plot(missing_fraction_range, scores_missing, 'o--', color='r', label='RF mv')
plt.plot(missing_fraction_range, scores_impute, 'o--', color='b', label='RF imp.')
plt.axhline(baseline_score, label='no missing', color='k')
plt.xlabel('Missing fraction')
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