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πŸ‹ Lemon Squeezy iFrame Listener - Google Ads conversion tracking, Google Analytics purchase event tracking
// Listen for message from the iframe
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
// Check if the message is the checkout success event
if ( && === 'Checkout.Success') {
var orderDetails =;
var orderItems =;
var userNameParts = orderDetails.user_name.split(' ');
var lemonFirstName = userNameParts.shift(); // Get the first name
var lemonLastName = userNameParts.join(' '); // Combines the remaining parts as the last name
// Clear the previous ecommerce object in the data layer
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });
// Format and push the new ecommerce object to the data layer
event: "purchase",
lemonEmail: orderDetails.user_email,
lemonFirstName: lemonFirstName,
lemonLastName: lemonLastName,
ecommerce: {
transaction_id: orderDetails.identifier,
value: / 100, // Assuming the total is in cents
tax: / 100, // Assuming the tax is in cents
shipping: 0, // Add shipping cost here if applicable
currency: orderDetails.currency,
coupon: "", // Add any coupon code if applicable
items: [{
item_id: orderItems.product_id.toString(),
item_name: orderItems.product_name,
affiliation: 'Lemon Squeezy', // Replace with your store name
coupon: "", // Add any item-specific coupon code if applicable
discount: orderDetails.discount_total / 100, // Assuming the discount is in cents
index: 1,
item_brand: '', // Add item brand if available
item_category: '', // Add item category if available
item_variant: orderItems.variant_name,
price: orderItems.price / 100, // Assuming the price is in cents
quantity: orderItems.quantity
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