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Last active December 10, 2019 19:00
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  • Save rafaelune/efcb3448de9b6bce614f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rafaelune/efcb3448de9b6bce614f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

NuGet Basic Commands

Package Manager Console

List all available packages of a source.

  PM> Get-Package -ListAvailable

Find the "jquery" on the list of available packages of a source.

  PM> Get-Package -ListAvailable -Filter jquery

List all recent installed packages.

  PM> Get-Package -Recent

To install a package

  PM> Install-Package jquery

List all installed packages.

  PM> Get-Package

Remove an installed package.

  PM> Uninstall-Package jquery

Checks for installed packages updates.

  PM> Get-Package -Updates

Update package to a specific version

  PM> Update-Package jquery -Version 1.1.0

Creating and Publishing Packages

** IMPORTANT: Remember to set nuget.exe to your %PATH% or it won't work. **

Create a package of your project.

  $ nuget pack MyProject.csproj

Publish your package.

  $ nuget push MyProject. -s http://yournugethost/{yourapikey}
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