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Rafael M. rafaelmaeuer

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image: frontend
profiles: [frontend]
image: phpmyadmin
depends_on: [db]
profiles: [debug]
<!-- in functions.php add -->
function debug_cf7_add_error( $items, $result )
if ( 'mail_failed' == $result['status'] ) {
// invoke global phpmailer object
global $phpmailer;
// append error info to ajax response.
$items['errorInfo'] = $phpmailer->ErrorInfo;
return $items;

To call a function from your HTML file, include a script tag that references your JavaScript file, like above. Then, in your JavaScript file, define the function and attach it to the global object (e.g., window):

// your-script.js
function myFunction() {
  // function implementation
window.myFunction = myFunction;

In your HTML file, you can then call the function using its global name:

You can pass arguments to avoid getting prompts. This works for me;

apt-get update
apt-get --yes --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get --yes --force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" dist-upgrade

--force-confold (my choice) will make these "What do you want to do about modified configuration file" questions default to N (keep your currently-installed version)

find public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-widget-factory.php and look at lines 62,63,64

        $this->widgets[ $widget ] = new $widget();

if that is what you see then highlight all 3 lines and replace it with

ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d
sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/myppa.list
var sleepSetTimeout_ctrl;
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => sleepSetTimeout_ctrl = setTimeout(resolve, ms));
await sleep(<duration>);
const object = {a:2, b:4, c:6, d:8};
Object.entries(object).forEach(([key, value], index) => {
console.log(`${index}: ${key} = ${value}`);
$langs = array("PHP", "JavaScript", "Python", "C++", "Ruby");
$newLangsSpace = implode(" ", $langs);
$newLangsComma = implode(", ", $langs);
$newLangsHyphen = implode("-", $langs);
// Since we are printing a string, we can use echo to display the output in the browser
echo $newLangsSpace."<br>"."<br>";
echo $newLangsComma."<br>"."<br>";