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Created July 24, 2012 18:30
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  • Save rafaelbrandao/3171686 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rafaelbrandao/3171686 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ossy's instructions
- Let's concentrate for Qt 5 WebKit1 first (Qt 4.8 and Qt 5.0 WebKit2 results are very similar,
there are only ~500 different test results on them.) After we finished Qt 5.
- download , untar it where you want: my-favourite-path
(download can be slow a little bit, because it is a 330 Mb sized file.)
- Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch rebaseline-server my-favourite-path
- wait, wait and wait :) (starting server took 5-6 minutes for me because of this huge number of tests)
- Pick a directory for rebasing
- Add a comment to, for example: "I started rebasing css2.1 tests."
(To avoid paralel working on same directory.)
- Select baseline target qt (not qt-5.0, qt-5.0-wk1, ...) at the bottom of the page.
- You can use the following hotkeys for rebasing:
- q - add the actual test for rebasing queue (mark the result good)
- x - remove the actual test for rebasing queue (if you marked it accidentally)
- left and right arrow - jump to the previous/next test
- r - rebase queued tests - if you finished a bunch of tests
- After rebase, check if there is old expected files in qt-5.0, qt-5.0-wk1, qt-5.0-wk2, and remove them
- Unskip rebased tests for qt-5.0 and qt-5.0/Skipped lists - block
- Upload the patch to bugzilla, review, land, ...
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