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Last active March 31, 2017 16:21
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  • Save rads/89d820e70838d99850a6a2c71e82e0d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rads/89d820e70838d99850a6a2c71e82e0d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
:dependencies '[[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha15"]
[org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0"]])
'[clojure.spec :as s]
'[clojure.spec.test :as stest])
(s/def ::printer fn?)
(s/def ::name (s/and string? seq))
(s/def ::result #{:ok :error})
(defn run [printer name]
(if-not (printer name)
(s/fdef run
:args (s/cat :printer ::printer
:name ::name)
:ret ::result)
(stest/instrument `run)
(defn print-name [name]
(println (str "Name: " name)))
(run print-name "foo")
;; Start a REPL
; $ BOOT_CLOJURE_VERSION=1.9.0-alpha15 boot repl
;; Run the example
; boot.user=> (load-file "clojure-spec-instrument-hof.clj")
; Name: 9S
; Name: Yx
; Name: N
; Name: CF4
; Name: 1b
; Name: b6PP6
; Name: 2Cv
; Name: s2lz
; Name: oW7sX9l
; Name: Ka7
; Name: qFr1
; Name: HotQBQWyDy
; Name: 2C10SJD
; Name: D7CPdaE4
; Name: FbKA0
; Name: 3VUqa
; Name: YUJou119X6gY14l3
; Name: tdp
; Name: iMH0V7huV5Br11D2
; Name: QKFQHnFz1TF926G0xV7
; Name: e36e2h8B0y5XkMb0Tq95
; Name: foo
; :ok
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