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Created June 2, 2017 16:53
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Converts string format to string concat
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def show_user_prompt(msg)
puts msg
# flush our message to display
return STDIN.gets.chomp
def get_user_input
return show_user_prompt("Please enter the string format below")
return a
def pbcopy(input)
str = input.to_s
IO.popen('pbcopy', 'w') { |f| f << str }
puts "copied to clipboard"
def pbpaste
user_input = pbpaste()
if !user_input.include? "String.format"
puts "No 'String.format' call in string. Exiting."
puts "user input:\n" + user_input
last_quote = user_input.rindex("\"")
# puts last_quote
string_args = user_input[last_quote+2..-2]
puts "string args:\n" + string_args
# puts string_args.split(",")
arg_list = string_args.split(",").map!{|arg| arg.strip()}
# puts arg_list.length
# replace the original string with the args
original_string = user_input[user_input.index("\"")+1..last_quote-1]
# puts original_string
# iterate over the original and replace the
c = original_string
arg_list.each { |arg|
# puts arg
# get the first param
quoted_string = "\" + " + arg + " + \""
# c = c.sub(/%[A-Za-z]/, quoted_string)
c = c.sub(/%(\.[0-9])?[A-Za-z]/, quoted_string)
final_output = "\"" + c + "\""
# puts final_output
# remove any empty strings from the output
empty_dub_quotes = "\"\""
final_output = final_output.sub("#{empty_dub_quotes} + ", "")
final_output = final_output.sub("+ #{empty_dub_quotes}", "")
final_output = final_output.strip()
puts "final output:\n " + final_output
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radixdev commented Jun 2, 2017

String Format To Concatenation Converter


  1. Copy the entire String.format() and it's contents to your clipboard.
  2. Run ruby string_format_to_concat.rb.
  3. The output is pasted to your clipboard.

Description: Android Studio doesn't have a refactor tool to convert String.format() calls to their concatenated form.

String.format("The manifest does not define the %s permission.", applicationMessagePermission)
"The manifest does not define the " + applicationMessagePermission + " permission."

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