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jkeam /
Last active August 24, 2021 19:53
Installing StackRox on OCP 4.x

Installing StackRox on OCP 4.x


There are a few env variables you need to set first. Also assuming you have oc installed and you are logged in as a cluster admin. This has been tested on OCP v4.5.36 and StackRox v3.0.58.0.

export YOUR_STACKROX_PASSWORD=whateverYourPasswordIs
export STACKROX_PASSWORD=Pa22word  # used to log into your deployed stackrox instance. user is `admin` and password is this
ikurni / force-mcp-ocp-update
Created October 5, 2020 14:43
How to force openshift MCP to update machine config
### Create file called machine-config-daemon-force in /run ###
ssh core@hostname.local sudo touch /run/machine-config-daemon-force
### Edit node annotations ###
oc edit node <node-name>
### Check Annotations, change like below sample ### rendered-worker-ab4a1e7216bf3da2a5203f09c871b456 rendered-worker-ab4a1e7216bf3da2a5203f09c871b456 ""
wrossmann /
Created March 7, 2019 00:59
Decrypt Ansible AWX or Tower Data

Let's say you're having a bad day and while trying to upgrade your AWX instance you instead unrecoverably brick it, and then you realize that you made a point of storing a very important SSH key in AWX and nowhere else. Why? REASONS.

What do I need?

  1. The secret key from your AWX config file.
  2. A dump of your postgres database in plaintext.
    • If you're lucky yours is still functional and you can just query it.
  3. Gumption.

What do I do?

mccun934 / task-blaster.bash
Last active January 26, 2018 21:21
Truncate all task related tables
echo ""
echo "DELETING All task data"
echo ""
TABLE_COUNTS="select count(*) as foreman_tasks_tasks from foreman_tasks_tasks;
select count(*) as dynflow_execution_plans from dynflow_execution_plans;
select count(*) as dynflow_actions from dynflow_actions;
jlsherrill /
Last active October 7, 2016 17:50
Republishing a repo
# foreman-rake console
> User.current = User.first
> repo = Katello::Repository.find(3)

# or  repo = Katello::Repository.find_by_pulp_id("Default_Organization_product_repo_label")

> ForemanTasks.async_task(Actions::Pulp::Repository::DistributorPublish, :pulp_id => repo.pulp_id, :distributor_type_id => Runcible::Models::YumDistributor.type_id)