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Last active June 26, 2020 14:54
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  • Save rabbah/496caaf195e88695c08229210e365f29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rabbah/496caaf195e88695c08229210e365f29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
nimbella quick start

download nimbella cli

Full reference manual available here.

  • On Windows, download and run the Windows installer.
  • On Mac, download and run the Mac installer.
  • On Linux, run the following script: curl | sudo bash

get help

nim doc

create account or login

nim auth login

create a sample project, using node.js as the language

nim project create --language js hello

inspect the created project

find hello/

a sample function is created in hello.js

cat hello/packages/default/hello.js

deploy the project

nim project deploy hello

see what is deployed

nim action list

invoke the function, first without a parameter then with

nim action invoke hello

nim action invoke hello --param name Viktor

look at all the activations (see cold/warm starts)

nim activation list

get complate activation record for last activation

nim activation get --last

get logs for last activation

nim activation get --last --logs

get public url for function

nim action get hello --url

use it with curl

curl `nim action get hello --url`

pass query params

curl `nim action get hello --url`?name=Viktor

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