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Last active March 19, 2019 21:22
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  • Save rabbah/0f9e138c9088758c30fe31f05b893041 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rabbah/0f9e138c9088758c30fe31f05b893041 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Verifies release candidates for openwhisk
# This script will download the release candidate artifacts and verify
# they are properly signed and authentic. The script assumes you have
# curl, git, python and gpg already installed and that your gpg is trusted.
# the location providing the distribution
# the artifact being released
NAME=${1?"missing artifact name e.g., openwhisk-client-js"}
# the name of the podling (to match what is in the disclaimer file)
DESCRIPTION=${2?"missing podling description e.g., 'OpenWhisk JavaScript Client Library'"}
# the version of the release artifact
V=${3?"missing version e.g., '3.19.0'"}
# the release candidate, usualy 'rc1'
# set to non-zero to download the artifacts to verify, this is the default
# set to non-zero to import the release keys, this is the default
# this is the construct name of the artifact
# this is a constructed name for the keys file
DISCLAIMER="Apache $DESCRIPTION is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF."
NOTICE=$(cat << END
Copyright 2016-2019 The Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed at
The Apache Software Foundation (
DIR=$(mktemp -d)
echo working in the following directory:
echo "$(tput setaf 6)$DIR$(tput sgr0)"
if [ $DL -ne 0 ]; then
echo fetching $TGZ
curl $DIST/apache-openwhisk-$V-incubating-$RC/$TGZ -s -o "$DIR/$TGZ"
echo fetching $TGZ.asc
curl $DIST/apache-openwhisk-$V-incubating-$RC/$TGZ.asc -s -o "$DIR/$TGZ.asc"
echo fetching $TGZ.sha512
curl $DIST/apache-openwhisk-$V-incubating-$RC/$TGZ.sha512 -s -o "$DIR/$TGZ.sha512"
if [ $IMPORT -ne 0 ]; then
echo fetching release keys
curl $DIST/KEYS -s -o "$DIR/$KEYS"
echo import keys
gpg --import "$DIR/$KEYS"
function validate() {
if [[ $1 == $2 ]]; then
echo " $(tput setaf 2)passed$(tput sgr0)"
printf " $(tput setaf 1)failed$(tput sgr0)"
if [[ $3 != "" ]]; then
echo " ($3)"
printf "\n"
echo "unpacking tar ball"
tar zxf "$DIR/$TGZ" -C "$DIR"
echo "cloning scancode"
cd "$DIR" && git clone --depth 1
printf "computing sha512 and validating..."
EXPECTED=$(cat "$DIR/$TGZ.sha512")
CMD="cd $DIR && gpg --print-md SHA512 '$TGZ'"
SHA=$(eval $CMD)
validate "$EXPECTED" "$SHA" "$CMD"
printf "verifying asc..."
CMD="gpg --verify '$DIR/$TGZ.asc' '$DIR/$TGZ'"
ASC=$(eval $CMD >& /dev/null)
validate $? 0 "$CMD"
printf "verifying disclaimer..."
validate "$DISCLAIMER" "$DTXT" "cat '$DIR/$BASE/DISCLAIMER.txt'"
printf "verifing notice..."
NTXT=$(cat "$DIR/$BASE/NOTICE.txt")
validate "$NOTICE" "$NTXT" "cat '$DIR/$BASE/NOTICE.txt'"
printf "verifying license..."
curl -s -o "$DIR/LICENSE-2.0"
## this is a more forgiving license check that allows for the copyright line to be filled out
#CMD="diff '$DIR/$BASE/LICENSE.txt' '$DIR/LICENSE-2.0' -I '^ Copyright'"
CMD="diff '$DIR/$BASE/LICENSE.txt' '$DIR/LICENSE-2.0'"
DIF=$(eval "$CMD")
validate $? 0 "$CMD"
printf "verifying sources have proper headers..."
CMD="'$DIR/incubator-openwhisk-utilities/scancode/' --config '$DIR/incubator-openwhisk-utilities/scancode/ASF-Release.cfg' '$DIR/$BASE'"
SC=$(eval $CMD >& /dev/null)
validate $? 0 "$CMD"
printf "scanning for binaries..."
EXE=$(find "$DIR/$BASE" -type f ! -name "*.sh" ! -name "*.sh" ! -name "gradlew" ! -name "gradlew.bat" -perm -001)
validate "$EXE" "" "$EXE"
printf "scanning for archives..."
EXE=$(find "$DIR/$BASE" -type f -name "*.tar" -name "*.tgz" -o -name "*.gz" -o -name ".zip" -o -name "*.jar")
validate "$EXE" "" "$EXE"
printf "scanning for packages..."
EXE=$(find "$DIR/$BASE" -type d -name "node_modules" -o -name ".gradle")
validate "$EXE" "" "$EXE"
echo $(tput setaf 6)
echo run the following command to remove the scratch space:
echo " rm -rf '$DIR'"
echo $(tput sgr0)
Copy link

rabbah commented Mar 19, 2019

Example of how to use this script.

curl -s -o
chmod +x openwhisk-client-js 'OpenWhisk JavaScript Client Library' 3.19.0
working in the following directory:
fetching openwhisk-client-js-3.19.0-incubating-sources.tar.gz
fetching openwhisk-client-js-3.19.0-incubating-sources.tar.gz.asc
fetching openwhisk-client-js-3.19.0-incubating-sources.tar.gz.sha512
fetching release keys
import keys
gpg: key 72AF0CC22C4CF320: "Vincent Hou (Release manager of OpenWhisk) <>" not changed
gpg: key 22907064147F886E: "Dave Grove <>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg:              unchanged: 2
unpacking tar ball
cloning scancode
Cloning into 'incubator-openwhisk-utilities'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 52, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (52/52), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (35/35), done.
remote: Total 52 (delta 23), reused 34 (delta 15), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (52/52), done.
computing sha512 and validating... valid
verifying asc... valid
verifying disclaimer... valid
verifing notice... valid
verifying license... not valid (diff '/var/folders/q9/s3th42s53d34ftd5wvcypybr0000gn/T/tmp.6t9xcMV8/incubator-openwhisk-client-js-3.19.0-incubating/LICENSE.txt' '/var/folders/q9/s3th42s53d34ftd5wvcypybr0000gn/T/tmp.6t9xcMV8/LICENSE-2.0')
verifying sources have proper headers... valid
scanning for binaries... valid

run the following command to remove the scratch space:
  rm -rf '/var/folders/q9/s3th42s53d34ftd5wvcypybr0000gn/T/tmp.6t9xcMV8'

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