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Last active January 8, 2022 22:52
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// Just as an example of something you might want to send to some destinations
val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()
navGraph = NavGraphs.root
) {
composable(SomeScreenDestination) { //this: DestinationScope<SomeScreenDestination.NavArgs>
arg1 = navArgs.arg1, // navArgs is a lazily evaluated `SomeScreenDestination.NavArgs` instance, field of `DestinationScope`
navigator = destinationsNavigator, // destinationsNavigator is a `DestinationsNavigator` (also lazily evaluated)
backStackEntry = navBackStackEntry, // navBackStackEntry is a `DestinationScope` field
scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
//All screens that don't need the scaffoldState don't need to be specified here
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