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Created March 14, 2017 12:40
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; Created by rHermes (2017.03.14 12:36:40 UTC)
; This was made so that I could use the ingame code editor in the very cool
; game called "liberation-circut"[1]. It has only been minimally tested so
; please fork and share your improvements!
; [1] - []
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; ^!r::Reload ; QoL keybinding. Uncomment if you want to have access to quick reloads.
RD := false
; This sends the keys neccecary.
KeyPipeLine(agr,shi,nor) {
global RD
if (RD) {
Send %agr%
} else if (GetKeyState("Shift")) {
Send %shi%
} else {
Send %nor%
#IfWinActive ahk_exe LibCirc.exe
; These two are responsible for toggeling RD on and off.
*RAlt:: RD := true
*RAlt Up:: RD := false
*2::KeyPipeLine("@", """", "2") ; 2 aka @
*3::KeyPipeLine("£", "{#}", "3") ; 3 aka £ - NP: The editor has no support for £ in the code
*4::KeyPipeLine("$", "¤", "4") ; 4 aka $ - NP: The editor has no support for ¤ in the code
*7::KeyPipeLine("{{}", "/", "7") ; 7 aka {
*8::KeyPipeLine("[", "(", "8") ; 8 aka [
*9::KeyPipeLine("]", ")", "9") ; 9 aka ]
*0::KeyPipeLine("{}}", "=", "0") ; 0 aka }
*\::KeyPipeLine("´", "``", "\") ; \ aka ´ - NP: The editor has no support for ´ or ` in the code
::KeyPipeLine("~", "{^}", "¨") ; ¨ aka ~ - NP: The editor has no support for ¨ in the code
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